Vi bjöds in att fira julafton med Urban och Anette med släkt och vänner. Hos dem var det JUL på riktigt. Efter rejält med väldigt god julmat var det dags för julklappar. Julklappsspelet som kan sluta med att julklappar distribuerats helt jämlikt och rättvist eller helt ojämlikt och orättvist, bara Urban blir utan... :-)
We were invited to celebrate Christmas Eve with Urban and Anette with family and friends. At their place it was CHRISTMAS for real. After plenty of very good Christmas food, it was time for presents. The Christmas game that can end up with Christmas gifts distributed perfectly equally and fairly or completely unequal and unfair, as long as Urban doesn't get any... :-)
onsdag 25 december 2013
måndag 23 december 2013
Träds öde/Tree's fate
Vi for ut i skogen en sväng och blev ganska tagna av den förödelse som stormarna Sven och Ivar har åstadkommit. Alla dessa grandiosa träd som fallit! Vi tog med en liten släkting, som nu står helt blygsamt vid vår dörr.
We went out into the woods for a ride and was quite taken by the devastation caused by the storms and Sven and Ivar. All these grand trees that have fallen! We brought a small relative, who now stands quite modestly by our door.
We went out into the woods for a ride and was quite taken by the devastation caused by the storms and Sven and Ivar. All these grand trees that have fallen! We brought a small relative, who now stands quite modestly by our door.
lördag 21 december 2013
Blir det en vit jul?/Will Christmas be white?
Plötsligt började det snöa ymnigt och vi började hoppas på en vit jul. Men nej, efter några timmar gick temperaturen över noll igen och det blev mer blött än vitt. Men det är ju några dagar kvar till jul så vi har inte tappat hoppet.
Suddenly it started snowing profusely and we began to hope for a white Christmas. But no, after a few hours the temperature went over zero centigrades again and it became more wet than white. But with a few days left to Christmas we haven't lost hope.
Suddenly it started snowing profusely and we began to hope for a white Christmas. But no, after a few hours the temperature went over zero centigrades again and it became more wet than white. But with a few days left to Christmas we haven't lost hope.
söndag 8 december 2013
Säsongsblomma/Season flower
Denna tid på året kräver särskilda blommor, eller blomsterarrangemang. Turligt nog har medarbetare barn som gärna far på skolresa. Och för att finansiera resorna måste de sälja saker. Som blomarrangemang. Annars hade det inte funnits något i detta hushåll...
This time of the year demand certain flowers, or flower arrangements. Fortunately co workers have children that happily go on school field trips. And to finance the trips they have to sell things. Like flower arrangements. Otherwise there wouldn't have been one in this household...
This time of the year demand certain flowers, or flower arrangements. Fortunately co workers have children that happily go on school field trips. And to finance the trips they have to sell things. Like flower arrangements. Otherwise there wouldn't have been one in this household...
måndag 2 december 2013
Julstämning?/Christmas spirit?
Nästan allt är utrensat ur det stora rummet. Kvar är bara lite nödvändig utrustning för fortsatt målning o s v. Och gamla mattor. Och gammalt damm. Och en gammal katt. Men också lite julstämning.
Almost everything is cleared out from the large room. Left is only some necessary equipment for continued painting and so on. And old carpets. And old dust. And an old cat. But also a little bit of Christmas spirit.
Almost everything is cleared out from the large room. Left is only some necessary equipment for continued painting and so on. And old carpets. And old dust. And an old cat. But also a little bit of Christmas spirit.
Färgstark senhöst/Colorful late fall
Vi tittade ut mot närmaste grannen för några dagar sedan och möttes av ovanligt intensiva färger i den låga solens ljus. Dags att flytta in för vintern.
We looked out towards the closest neighbor a couple of days ago and were met by unusually intense colors in the light of the low sun. Time to move in for the winter.
We looked out towards the closest neighbor a couple of days ago and were met by unusually intense colors in the light of the low sun. Time to move in for the winter.
söndag 24 november 2013
Stormsäkert/Storm proof
Stormen Hilda har inte lämnat så stora spår här som i andra delar av Norrland, även om människor här har upplevt extrem blåst och en del träd har fallit o s v. Kommunen kanske ska få en guldstjärna för att vara förutseende och se till att sårbara träd får stöd? Företagsflaggor har dock haft en hård tid...
The storm Hilda hasn't left as big marks here as in other parts of Norrland (the northern part of Sweden), even if people here have experienced extreme wind and some trees have fallen and so on. The municipality perhaps has earned a gold star for being proactive, ensuring that vulnerable trees are supported? Business flags have had a bad time, though...
The storm Hilda hasn't left as big marks here as in other parts of Norrland (the northern part of Sweden), even if people here have experienced extreme wind and some trees have fallen and so on. The municipality perhaps has earned a gold star for being proactive, ensuring that vulnerable trees are supported? Business flags have had a bad time, though...
Hur tänkte de här?/How did they think here?
Spontanidrott är bra. Och bra när de som kan stöttar. Men här blev det lite okontrollerat, eller åtminstone lite snett. Men det kanske går att spela fotboll på diagonalen, bara man väjer för blomarrangemanget (som denna tid på året är lite trött).
Spontaneous athletics is good. And good when those who have the means help out. But here things got a little bit out of hand, or at least a little askew. But it might be possible to play football/soccer on the diagonal, as long as you avoid the floral arrangement (which this time of year is a bit tired).
Spontaneous athletics is good. And good when those who have the means help out. But here things got a little bit out of hand, or at least a little askew. But it might be possible to play football/soccer on the diagonal, as long as you avoid the floral arrangement (which this time of year is a bit tired).
Ett övergivet ställe/An abandoned place
Vanliga promenadrundan är mestadels vacker. Men kanske inte på alla ställen. Hur lång tid tar det för ett övergivet ställe att skaffa sig en patina så att det kan räknas till ett av världens vackraste övergivna ställen? Känns som om det här, som ingen på orten utom koppartjuvarna vill kännas av, har någon liten tid kvar tills dess. Men ändå – finns det inte en viss skönhet i detta fruktansvärt övergivna?
The ordinary walk is mostly beautiful. But perhaps not in all places. How long does it take for an abandoned place to acquire a patina so that it can be counted as one of the world's most beautiful abandoned places? Feels like this, that no one local except the copper thieves has a feeling for, has some time left until then. But still – isn't there some kind of beauty in this horribly abandoned?
The ordinary walk is mostly beautiful. But perhaps not in all places. How long does it take for an abandoned place to acquire a patina so that it can be counted as one of the world's most beautiful abandoned places? Feels like this, that no one local except the copper thieves has a feeling for, has some time left until then. But still – isn't there some kind of beauty in this horribly abandoned?
Oväntat födelsedagskalas/Unexpected birthday party
I onsdags, när Ylva anlände till "norra filialen" med tåget, så blev det omedelbar utryckning till födelsedagskalas. Leah (grannen) fyllde 6 år! Vi snyggade till oss och promenerade över med bästa födelsedagspresenten – ett schackspel. Vi fick kalasgod födelsedagstårta med blåbär som Leahs mormor bakat. Leah klädd i en fin rosa "prinsessklänning", födelsedagspresent från mamma Cissi.
This Wednesday, when Ylva arrived at "the northern branch" by train, we had an immediate emergency call to a birthday party. Leah (neighbor) turned 6! We cleaned ourselves up and walked over with our best birthday present – a chess game. We had delicious birthday cake with blueberries that Leah's grandmother had made. Leah dressed in a pretty pink "princess dress", a birthday gift from mum Cissi.
This Wednesday, when Ylva arrived at "the northern branch" by train, we had an immediate emergency call to a birthday party. Leah (neighbor) turned 6! We cleaned ourselves up and walked over with our best birthday present – a chess game. We had delicious birthday cake with blueberries that Leah's grandmother had made. Leah dressed in a pretty pink "princess dress", a birthday gift from mum Cissi.
söndag 17 november 2013
Dekorativa element/Decorative elements
Ute i det sköna vädret en solig dag som denna möter man inte bara naturliga skönhetsinslag. Mer eller mindre goda konstnärer försöker hjälpa naturen på traven.
Out in the nice weather on a sunny day like this one meets not only the natural beauty touches. More or less good artists try to help nature along.
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En hällristning? En minihällristning i asfalten. Fanns innebandyspelare på 1000-talet f Kr? A rock carving? A mini petroglyph in the asphalt. Were there indoor bandy players in the 1000's BC? |
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Klassisk kommunistisk konst. Känns äldre i både uttryck och budskap än hällristningen. Classic communist art. Feels older in both expression and message than the rock carving. |
lördag 16 november 2013
En ny art?/A new species?
Naturen är förunderlig. Plötsligt dyker en ny buskart upp från ingenstans – den ovanliga vantbusken. Blommar endast under vinterhalvåret.
Nature is wondrous. All of a sudden a new bush species pops up from nowhere – the rare mitten bush. Blooms only in winter.
lördag 9 november 2013
Djurliv i staden/Animal life in the city
Dagens promenad bjöd på både hackspett och kräfta. Annars mest hundar med åtföljande människor och katter utan människor.
Today's walk offered both woodpecker and crawfish. Otherwise mostly dogs with accompanying people and cats without people.
Today's walk offered both woodpecker and crawfish. Otherwise mostly dogs with accompanying people and cats without people.
fredag 8 november 2013
En dag på stan 24/A day in the city 24
Det är november och på en ganska nordlig breddgrad. Ändå är vissa blommor i full blomning på vägen till jobbet. Ett tecken på klimatförändringen? Eller bara ett infall av väderguden? Konstigt, är vad det är...
It's November and on a fairly northern latitude. Still some flowers are in full bloom on the way to work. A sign of the climate change? Or just a whim of the weather god? Strange, is what it is...
It's November and on a fairly northern latitude. Still some flowers are in full bloom on the way to work. A sign of the climate change? Or just a whim of the weather god? Strange, is what it is...
lördag 2 november 2013
Lionsaktivitet 3/Lions activity 3
Lördagen den 26 oktober var det "Rosa lördag" – dagen då Lions samlade pengar till cancerforskningen i allmänhet och bröstcancerforskningen i synnerhet, bland annat genom att sälja rosa band och värdebevis som kunde omsättas i presentpaket, skänkta av lokala företag. Serveringen av kaffe med tårta gav också en del. Tårtorna var sponsrade av olika företag och kommunen med. Folk var ivriga att bidra trots det dåliga vädret.
Saturday 26 October, the "Pink Saturday" – the day when Lions raised money for cancer research in general and breast cancer research in particular, including by selling pink ribbons and vouchers that could be exchanged into gift packages, donated by local businesses. The serving of coffee with cake also gave some. The cakes were sponsored by different businesses and the municipality, too. People were eager to contribute in spite of the bad weather.
Saturday 26 October, the "Pink Saturday" – the day when Lions raised money for cancer research in general and breast cancer research in particular, including by selling pink ribbons and vouchers that could be exchanged into gift packages, donated by local businesses. The serving of coffee with cake also gave some. The cakes were sponsored by different businesses and the municipality, too. People were eager to contribute in spite of the bad weather.
Dimmig motion/Foggy exercise
Vi for till den fina anläggningen på Latberget för att ta en titt på spåren. Det fanns många! Vi valde ett – ett inte särskilt långt – och flanerade runt det. Det var väldigt välordnat men ganska brant på sina ställen. Inget konstigt med det med tanke på hur nära det är till slalombacken, där sikten var noll idag.
We went to the nice facility at Latberget ("Lazy mountain") to have a look at the tracks. There were many! We chose one – not a very long one – and strolled around it. It was very orderly but quite steep in places. Nothing strange about that considering how close it is to the ski slope, where visibility was zero today.
We went to the nice facility at Latberget ("Lazy mountain") to have a look at the tracks. There were many! We chose one – not a very long one – and strolled around it. It was very orderly but quite steep in places. Nothing strange about that considering how close it is to the ski slope, where visibility was zero today.
söndag 20 oktober 2013
Sommaren är nog oåterkalleligen över. Frostnätter, även i Stockholm. Ödsligt där det tidigare var fullt med folk. Men höstmelankoli kanske mest är en attitydfråga? ”Nu är den stolta vår utsprungen, den vår de svaga kallar
höst!”, som Karlfeldt skrev. Och det finns saker att se fram emot! (Fast nog är det väl tidigt med en tomte i trädgården redan nu?)
Summer is probably irrevocably over. Frosty nights, also in Stockholm. Deserted where there earlier were lots of people. But maybe autumn melancholia most of all is a question of attitude? "Now the proud spring has come, the spring the weak call fall!", as Karlfeldt wrote (free translation). And there are things to look forward to! (Although, isn't a Santa in the garden already a little bit early?)
söndag 13 oktober 2013
Höstsol i förorten/Autumn sun in the suburb
Det har varit två fantastiska hösthelgdagar, i alla fall för de som befunnit sig i Stockholmsområdet. Lugnt, fridfullt, tyst och soligt – det är de södra förorterna! Och färgstarkt!
We have had two marvelous autumn weekend days, at least those of us who have been in the Stockholm area. Calm, peaceful, quiet and sunny – that's the southern suburbs! And colorful!
We have had two marvelous autumn weekend days, at least those of us who have been in the Stockholm area. Calm, peaceful, quiet and sunny – that's the southern suburbs! And colorful!
lördag 5 oktober 2013
Lionsaktivitet 2/Lions activity 2
Just nu pågår kampanjen Världens barn för fullt. Lionsklubben i Kramfors drar sitt strå till stacken. De lyckades dra in ordentligt med pengar till kampanjen idag.
Right now the campaign Världens barn, the World's children, is in full swing. The Lions club in Kramfors does its bit to help. They managed to collect quite a lot of money for the campaign today.
Right now the campaign Världens barn, the World's children, is in full swing. The Lions club in Kramfors does its bit to help. They managed to collect quite a lot of money for the campaign today.
Vacker höstdag/Beautiful autumn day
Igår, fredag, var det så vackert ute att vi måste ta bilen och göra en liten exkursion. Höga Kusten förstås. En god vän har den här utsikten från sin sommarstuga.
Yesterday, Friday, it was so beautiful outside that we had to take the car for a little excursion. The High Coast of course. A good friend has this view from his summer cottage.
torsdag 3 oktober 2013
Lillebror blir 50/Little brother turns 50
Sigges bror Urban fyllde 50. Inget firande skulle det bli! Trodde han... Anette gick bakom ryggen på honom och ordnade ett ordentligt överraskningsparty. Den som såg hans min när han fick av sig ögonbindeln kommer aldrig att glömma den! Släkt och vänner – hur många har han? – var på plats. Och ingen hade avslöjat något i förväg.
Sigge's brother Urban turned 50. There wasn't going to be any celebration! That's what he thought... Anette went behind his back and arranged a real surprise party. Anyone who saw the look on his face when the blindfold was off will never forget it! Relatives and friends – how many has he? – were there. And nobody had revealed anything beforehand.
Sigge's brother Urban turned 50. There wasn't going to be any celebration! That's what he thought... Anette went behind his back and arranged a real surprise party. Anyone who saw the look on his face when the blindfold was off will never forget it! Relatives and friends – how many has he? – were there. And nobody had revealed anything beforehand.
Några fler, ganska usla, bilder, till höger./Some more, quite lousy, pictures to the right.
lördag 21 september 2013
Tidig höst i förorten/Early fall in the suburb
Idag var en strålande dag. Jorden ångade i den tidiga morgonsolen, hög och klar luft över gnistrande vita fasader. Och gräsänderna tog sovmorgon idag. Förorten är oförtjänt föraktad.
Today was a brilliant day. The earth steamed in the early morning sun, the air high and clear over sparkling white facades. And the mallards slept in this morning. The suburb is undeservedly scorned.
Today was a brilliant day. The earth steamed in the early morning sun, the air high and clear over sparkling white facades. And the mallards slept in this morning. The suburb is undeservedly scorned.
lördag 14 september 2013
En dag på stan 23/A day in the city 23
Idag var det allsång i centrum av den lilla förorten. Gruppen "Smågodis" sjöng riktigt bra (om än kanske lite tråkigt) och allsångshäftet var också en lott. Nästa lördag blir det ännu bättre, torget blir platsen för en "jazzdag".
Today there was singsong in the centre of the little suburb. The group "Small candy" sang quite well (although perhaps a little boring) and the singsong booklet was also a lottery ticket. Next Saturday it will be even better: the square will be the location for a "jazz day".
Today there was singsong in the centre of the little suburb. The group "Small candy" sang quite well (although perhaps a little boring) and the singsong booklet was also a lottery ticket. Next Saturday it will be even better: the square will be the location for a "jazz day".
Ny fasad/New facade
Den gamla affären är inte längre en gammal affär. Utan de stora gamla skyltfönstren har huset fått ett helt nytt utseende.
The old store is no longer an old store. Without the large old store windows the house has gotten a completely new look.
Fler bilder till höger. More pictures to the right
The old store is no longer an old store. Without the large old store windows the house has gotten a completely new look.
Fler bilder till höger. More pictures to the right
söndag 8 september 2013
Utomhusstädning/Outdoor cleaning
Större fasadarbeten är på ingående, och de kräver att området rensas från all onödig bråte. Vilket betyder ungefär varenda liten pryl som legat utanför vår entré senaste året. En av oss engagerade sig och tog bort alltihop. Nu kan man vila sina trötta ben i gungstolen innan man går in i huset.
Major facade works are incoming, and they demand that the area is cleaned from all unnecessary stuff. Which means about every single item that's been laying around outside our entrance the past year. One of us got busy and took them away. Now you can rest your weak legs in the rocking chair before you enter the house.
Major facade works are incoming, and they demand that the area is cleaned from all unnecessary stuff. Which means about every single item that's been laying around outside our entrance the past year. One of us got busy and took them away. Now you can rest your weak legs in the rocking chair before you enter the house.
måndag 2 september 2013
Grannskapets vilda (?) djur/The neighborhood's wild (?) animals
Vi tittade ut genom fönstret och upptäckte att en svartvit kompis hade flyttat in på vår gård. Ganska orädd för att vara "vild". Han kom t o m rätt bra överens med Fido, som var väldigt nyfiken på honom. De var mycket närmare varandra senare.
We looked out the window and found that a black and white buddy had moved into our garden. Quite fearless to be "wild". He even got along rather well with Fido, who was very curious of him. They were much closer to each other later on.
We looked out the window and found that a black and white buddy had moved into our garden. Quite fearless to be "wild". He even got along rather well with Fido, who was very curious of him. They were much closer to each other later on.
söndag 1 september 2013
Lionsaktivitet 1/Lion activity 1
Sigge har gått med i den lokala Lionsklubben och förväntas hjälpa
till med goda gärningar med jämna mellanrum. Denna helg arrangerade klubben bingo
i stadens centrum och fick in ganska mycket pengar till välgörenhet.
Sigge has
joined the local Lions club and is expected to help out with good deeds in regular
intervals. This weekend the club arranged bingo in the center of the town and
raised quite a lot of money to charity.
lördag 24 augusti 2013
En dag på stan 22/A day in the city 22
Denna ”person”
dök plötsligt upp nära Ylvas kansli. Stockholm har dessvärre
översvämmats av tiggare, de flesta utrikes ifrån. Den här verkar dock stelare
än de flesta.
This ”person”
suddenly turned up close to Ylva’s office. Stockholm has unfortunately become
flooded with beggars, mostly from abroad. This one seems stiffer than most,
lördag 17 augusti 2013
Utomhusmatlagning/Outdoor cooking
Nu är nya Muurikan invigd. Stekt salt sill med löksås på grillen. Så traditionellt som det kan bli i detta land. Perfekt.
Now the new Muurika is inaugerated. Fried salt herring with onion gravy on the grill. As traditional as can be in this country. Perfect.
Now the new Muurika is inaugerated. Fried salt herring with onion gravy on the grill. As traditional as can be in this country. Perfect.
Djurlivet/Animal life
Civiliserat som det är här så har vi inte så många vilda djur på nära håll. Utom ett par rådjur som ständigt äter precis under vår balkong. Å andra sidan, är de verkligen vilda djur? Mer som stadsråttor nuförtiden. Men sötare.
Civilized as it is here we don't have very many wild animals close by. Except for a pair of roe deers who keep feeding just below our balcony. But then, are they really wild animals? More like city rats nowadays. But cuter.
Civilized as it is here we don't have very many wild animals close by. Except for a pair of roe deers who keep feeding just below our balcony. But then, are they really wild animals? More like city rats nowadays. But cuter.
Runt om där vi bor avverkas det, vi ser mindre och mindre av "trädväggar" som eliminerar utsikter. Trevligt! Som alla förstår är vi inte trädkramare. Är någon det i "Skogsriket"? Träd är vackra och nödvändiga men vi kan inte tillåta dem ta över allt, som de gör häromkring.
All around where we live felling is going on, we see less and less of "tree walls" eliminating views. Nice! As everybody understands we are not tree-huggers. Is anyone in "Forestland"? Trees are beautiful and necessary, but we can't allow them to take over everything, as they do around here.
All around where we live felling is going on, we see less and less of "tree walls" eliminating views. Nice! As everybody understands we are not tree-huggers. Is anyone in "Forestland"? Trees are beautiful and necessary, but we can't allow them to take over everything, as they do around here.
onsdag 14 augusti 2013
Schizoväder/Schizo weather
Idén just nu är att om det är sol så är det semester men om det regnar så kan man lika gärna jobba. Ok, om det är sol och regnar, vad gör man då? Livet är inte lätt.
The idea right now is that if it's sunny it's vacation but if it rains you might as well work. Ok, if it's sunny and rains – what do you do? Life isn't easy.
The idea right now is that if it's sunny it's vacation but if it rains you might as well work. Ok, if it's sunny and rains – what do you do? Life isn't easy.
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