I torsdags morse ringde en sköterska från länssjukhuset i Sundsvall och berättade att Ylvas far ramlat och tagits in akut med en höftfraktur. Vi packade omedelbart väskorna och åkte upp för att hälsa på och vara behjälpliga. Han opererades på torsdag eftermiddag och det gick bra. Vi bodde förstås i Arklo över denna helt fantastiska hösthelg.
Thursday morning a nurse at the county hospital of Sundsvall called and told us that Ylva's father had fallen and been taken to the hospital with a hip fracture. Vi immediately packed our bags and went up there to visit and to be of help. He had surgery in Thursday afternoon and everything went well. We stayed in Arklo of course, this totally fantastic autumn weekend.
Bilder från hemma i Arklo i spalten till höger. Pictures from home in Arklo in the right hand column.
Thursday morning a nurse at the county hospital of Sundsvall called and told us that Ylva's father had fallen and been taken to the hospital with a hip fracture. Vi immediately packed our bags and went up there to visit and to be of help. He had surgery in Thursday afternoon and everything went well. We stayed in Arklo of course, this totally fantastic autumn weekend.
Bilder från hemma i Arklo i spalten till höger. Pictures from home in Arklo in the right hand column.
Se även vår semesterblogg. Also see our summer vacation blog.
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