Dessa korta dagar går vi inte så långt ifrån varma soffan. Men även en liten tur kräver kamera, för det är ett fantastiskt väder, trots kylan. Det gäller att passa på medan solen är uppe. Eller månen.
These short days we don't go far away from the warm couch. But even if we make a short trip it requires a camera, since the weather is great in spite of the cold. You need to take the opportunity while the sun is up. Or moon.
Den här bilden är tagen vid kl 15. Några bilder från vår balkong och lite tidigare på dagen finns i listan till höger.
This picture is taken around 3 PM. Som pictures taken from our balcony and a little bit earlier in the day in the list to the right.
söndag 28 december 2014
lördag 6 december 2014
Flytt inom de södra förorterna/Moving within the southern suburbs
Nu har Jonas och Elin flyttat in i sin lägenhet. Som vanligt blev det en del bärande av lådor. Men sedan kunde en påtagligt nöjd Jonas göra sig hemmastadd i det nya lilla köket. (Det var innan det stora uppackningsraseriet började.)
Now Jonas and Elin have moved into their apartment. As usual, there was some carrying boxes involved. But after that an obviously satisfied Jonas could make himself at home in the tiny kitchen. (This was before the big unpacking rampage began.)
Now Jonas and Elin have moved into their apartment. As usual, there was some carrying boxes involved. But after that an obviously satisfied Jonas could make himself at home in the tiny kitchen. (This was before the big unpacking rampage began.)
lördag 29 november 2014
Dagen före första advent/The day before the first Advent
Idag är dagen när vi försöker samla ihop oss inför Advent,
väntans tider trots att vi inte är särskilt kyrkliga av oss. För oss innebär
ihopsamlingen att få till det lilla adventspynt vi ägnar oss åt. Vilket i sin
tur innebär att gå ut i skogen för att hämta lite diverse. Det var på sina
ställen rätt stökigt i skogen, men när vi kom fram till fäbodvallen var det
desto lugnare. Vi fick med oss lite mossa, lav och ris hem. Och
Today is
the day when we try to collect ourselves before Advent, the time of
expectant waiting even though we are not particularly religious. For
us, collecting ourselves is to see to the little Advent decorations we engage
in. Which in turn means going out into the forest to fetch some miscellaneous stuff.
It was in places quite messy in the woods, but when we arrived at the mountain
pasture there was calm. We got us a little moss, lichen and spruce spray home. And
söndag 16 november 2014
Tidig julstämning?/Early Christmas spirit?
Julgranar till salu. Ett par grader över fryspunkten, dimma och duggregn. Nja, den genuina julstämningen vill inte riktigt infinna sig i mitten av november.
Christmas trees for sale. A few degrees above freezing, fog and drizzle. Naw, the genuine Christmas spirit wont show up for real in the middle of November.
Christmas trees for sale. A few degrees above freezing, fog and drizzle. Naw, the genuine Christmas spirit wont show up for real in the middle of November.
söndag 26 oktober 2014
Mulen Stockholmpromenad/Cloudy Stockholm walk
Det är roligt att promenera i Stockholm även om vädret är grått. Det var massor med folk ute idag, gåendes eller joggandes, nästan svårt att kryssa mellan alla flanörer på vissa ställen. Stadshuset drar förstås många turister men i Rålambshovsparken är det nog mest bofasta. T o m möter man ministrar joggandes där! Inga som fastnat på bild dock. Några som fastnat på bild däremot är de två ekorrar som lekte (?) i en tall precis utanför lägenheten väl tillbaka igen. De var otroligt snabba och inte helt inställda på att bli plåtade. Men ändå.
It's fun to walk in Stockholm even though the weather is gray. There were lots of people out there today, walking or jogging, almost hard to navigate among all the walkers in some places. Stockholm City Hall attracts many tourists of course but in the Rålambshov park most are probably residents. One even encounters ministers jogging there! No picture of that, however. Some that did get on picture, though, were the two squirrels who played (?) in a pine tree just outside the apartment on the return back again. They were incredibly fast and not intent on being photographed. But still.
Grå bilder från promenaden till höger. Gray pictures from the walk to the right.
It's fun to walk in Stockholm even though the weather is gray. There were lots of people out there today, walking or jogging, almost hard to navigate among all the walkers in some places. Stockholm City Hall attracts many tourists of course but in the Rålambshov park most are probably residents. One even encounters ministers jogging there! No picture of that, however. Some that did get on picture, though, were the two squirrels who played (?) in a pine tree just outside the apartment on the return back again. They were incredibly fast and not intent on being photographed. But still.
Grå bilder från promenaden till höger. Gray pictures from the walk to the right.
fredag 17 oktober 2014
Fredag och svampjakt/Friday and mushroom hunt
Med synnerligen trevliga arbetstider finns utrymme för annat än arbete på fredagseftermiddagen. T ex att fara ut för att hitta lite soppsvamp. Vi for till ett av "ställena". Där var det tydligt att vintern är på ingång; snö på både små tak och grenar. Men vädret var vackert (rent enerverande sol på sina ställen) och vi hittade svamp. Visserligen frusen. Men god.
With extremely pleasant working hours there is room for more than just work on Friday afternoon. For example, to go out to find some soup mushrooms. We went to one of the "sites". There, it was clear that winter is coming; snow on both tiny roofs and branches. But the weather was beautiful (quite enervating sun in places actually) and we found mushrooms. Although frozen. But good.
With extremely pleasant working hours there is room for more than just work on Friday afternoon. For example, to go out to find some soup mushrooms. We went to one of the "sites". There, it was clear that winter is coming; snow on both tiny roofs and branches. But the weather was beautiful (quite enervating sun in places actually) and we found mushrooms. Although frozen. But good.
tisdag 14 oktober 2014
Lördagsnöje/Saturday entertainment
Sigge klättrade upp på ett tak i fredags för att lägga en avblåst presenning i ordning. Det gick bra. Sedan gick det fortare än tänkt ned från taket eftersom stegen hade en egen agenda. Det slutade med en hård landning. På lördagen tillbringade vi nära fyra timmar i detta skojiga rum på Sollefteå sjukhus. Justerade axel och revben, röntgen, armslinga, smärtstillande medicin. Det är tur att han läker fort.
Sigge climbed up on a roof on Friday to put a blown off tarp in order. It went well. Then the climb down from the roof went faster than planned since the ladder had its own agenda. It ended with a hard landing. On Saturday, we spent close to four hours in this fun room at Sollefteå hospital. Adjusted shoulder and ribs, radiology, arm sling, painkillers. It is fortunate that he heals fast.
Sigge climbed up on a roof on Friday to put a blown off tarp in order. It went well. Then the climb down from the roof went faster than planned since the ladder had its own agenda. It ended with a hard landing. On Saturday, we spent close to four hours in this fun room at Sollefteå hospital. Adjusted shoulder and ribs, radiology, arm sling, painkillers. It is fortunate that he heals fast.
söndag 5 oktober 2014
Höstbrand/Autumn fire
Visserligen rätt mulet under dagens promenad, men vad gör det när höstfärgerna lyser upp tillvaron som de gör?! Just nu är nog den färggrannaste tiden på året. Fast inte i skogen kanske, där är det som vanligt gröngrått, så när som på det som människan tillfört.
Although overcast during today's walk, but so what when the autumn colors light up the way as they do?! Right now is probably the most colorful time of the year. Though not in the woods perhaps, where it is the usual green gray, except for what man added.
söndag 28 september 2014
Promenad till Stockholm/A walk to Stockholm
Idag blev det en tur till Stockholms centrum – till fots. Globen syns väl både söderifrån (nära Sockenplan) och inifrån stan (uppifrån Götgatsbacken). Fast man får anstränga sig lite för att se den längst där borta till höger vid gatans slut. När man står på Munkbroleden och ser över Riddarfjärden mot Söder Mälarstrand får man verkligen en känsla av Bellmans "stolta stad". Men under Bellmans dagar var ingen järnvägsbro i vägen för utsikten.
Today a trip to Stockholm city center – on foot. The Globe is clearly visible both from the south (near the Sockeplan) and from within the city (top of Götgatsbacken). Though you may have to work a little to see it at the back there to the right at the end of the street. When you stand on Munkbroleden and look over the Riddarfjärden towards Söder Mälarstrand you really get a sense of Bellman's "proud city". But during Bellman's days there was no railway bridge in the way of the view.
Today a trip to Stockholm city center – on foot. The Globe is clearly visible both from the south (near the Sockeplan) and from within the city (top of Götgatsbacken). Though you may have to work a little to see it at the back there to the right at the end of the street. When you stand on Munkbroleden and look over the Riddarfjärden towards Söder Mälarstrand you really get a sense of Bellman's "proud city". But during Bellman's days there was no railway bridge in the way of the view.
torsdag 18 september 2014
Kantarelläventyr/Chanterelle adventure
Vi tog en tur upp på berget för att hitta kantareller. En rätt behaglig promenad i vanliga fall – men med alla stormrester så blev lite krångligt här och där. Till sist hittade vi i alla fall det vi letade efter och det var väl värt ansträngningen!
We took a trip up the mountain to find chanterelles. A quite pleasant walk normally – but with all the storm remnants it became a bit awkward here and there. Finally, we found what we were looking for anyway and it was well worth the effort!
Många skogsbilder till höger. Many forest pictures to the right.
We took a trip up the mountain to find chanterelles. A quite pleasant walk normally – but with all the storm remnants it became a bit awkward here and there. Finally, we found what we were looking for anyway and it was well worth the effort!
Många skogsbilder till höger. Many forest pictures to the right.
torsdag 11 september 2014
Bärfrossa/Berry gluttany
Vi for till skogs, Sigge, Ylva och John, för att hämta lite av "skogens röda guld". Eftersom den äldste av oss har koll på ställena så hittade vi ungefär hur mycket bär som helst. Som vi plockade! Snart var hinkarna i princip fyllda. Det slank med några enstaka blåbär bland lingonen av misstag. Sagt och gjort, nästa dag for vi tillbaka till samma ställe för att hämta "skogens blåa guld" ("silver"??). Inte riktigt samma resultat men vi klagar verkligen inte. Väl hemma, ja vad hittade vi där? Riktigt fina, stora och mogna svartvinbär. När ska vi hinna äta alla?
We went to the forest, Sigge, Ylva and John, to get some of "the forest's red gold". As the eldest of us have an eye for places we found about as berries as possible. And we picked! Soon the buckets were basically full. A few blueberries ended up among the lingonberries by mistake. Said and done, the next day we went back to the same place to fetch some of "the forest's blue gold" ("silver"??). Not quite the same result, but we really can not complain. Back home, well, what did we find there? really nice, big and ripe black currant. When will we have time to eat all?
We went to the forest, Sigge, Ylva and John, to get some of "the forest's red gold". As the eldest of us have an eye for places we found about as berries as possible. And we picked! Soon the buckets were basically full. A few blueberries ended up among the lingonberries by mistake. Said and done, the next day we went back to the same place to fetch some of "the forest's blue gold" ("silver"??). Not quite the same result, but we really can not complain. Back home, well, what did we find there? really nice, big and ripe black currant. When will we have time to eat all?
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Lingonberries, around 32 litres of them. |
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Lingonberries and blueberries |
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Pause in the picking. |
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Blackcurrant from our backyard. |
söndag 31 augusti 2014
Resa till Halland/Trip to Halland
Semestern slut, tillbaka till arbetet igen. Omedelbart blev det jobbresa till södra Sverige p g a konferens för en av oss. Ett par nätter tillbringades på ett Rum & Frukost, ett par på ett bra mycket större, men inte fullt lika romantiskt hotell. Fönsterutsikten från de olika härbärgena skilde sig åt en hel del, men båda var härliga.
End of holidays, back to work again. Immediately there was a business trip to southern Sweden, due to a conference, for one of us. A couple of nights were spent at a Bed and Breakfast, a couple at a far bigger, but not quite as romantic hotel. Window views from the various shelters differed a lot, but both were beautiful.
End of holidays, back to work again. Immediately there was a business trip to southern Sweden, due to a conference, for one of us. A couple of nights were spent at a Bed and Breakfast, a couple at a far bigger, but not quite as romantic hotel. Window views from the various shelters differed a lot, but both were beautiful.
torsdag 14 augusti 2014
Mer berg/More mountains
Semester och slöande. Så mycket att det börjar bli pinsamt. Vi tog tag i oss och begav oss upp på ytterligare ett berg, både för att få röra på oss och för utsikten. Vi var mer än nöjda när vi kom ner igen från Ringkallen.
Vacation and slacking. So much that it starts to get embarrassing. We got hold of ourselves and went up on another mountain, both to get to move our bodies and for the view. We were more than pleased when we came back down from mt. Ringkallen.
Bilder till höger. Pictures to the right.
Vacation and slacking. So much that it starts to get embarrassing. We got hold of ourselves and went up on another mountain, both to get to move our bodies and for the view. We were more than pleased when we came back down from mt. Ringkallen.
Bilder till höger. Pictures to the right.
måndag 11 augusti 2014
Sjöfararna/The seafarers
När Kristin kom på besök var det stugan – och framför allt sjön – som gällde. De vilda (?) vågorna skulle tämjas i olika flytetyg och fiskar skulle dras upp i stora mängder. Något stort var uppenbarligen på kroken men ingen fisk följde med i land...
When Kristin came to visit the cottage – and especially the lake – was in focus. The wild (?) waves would be harnessed in various water craft and fish would be caught in large numbers. Something big clearly was on the hook but no fish came ashore...
When Kristin came to visit the cottage – and especially the lake – was in focus. The wild (?) waves would be harnessed in various water craft and fish would be caught in large numbers. Something big clearly was on the hook but no fish came ashore...
söndag 3 augusti 2014
Något måste vi göra, annat än att bara ligga och slappa. Vi tog en promenad-/vandringstur upp på Valkallens topp för att riktigt känna av Höga kusten. Fantastisk utsikt. Fantastiskt svettigt att ta sig dit. Fantastiskt skönt att göra det.
We needed to do something, other than to just lie down and relax. We took a walking / hiking tour up to the mountain Valkallen's top to really feel the High coast. Stunning views. Amazingly sweaty to get there. Amazingly pleasant to do it.
We needed to do something, other than to just lie down and relax. We took a walking / hiking tour up to the mountain Valkallen's top to really feel the High coast. Stunning views. Amazingly sweaty to get there. Amazingly pleasant to do it.
Mer bilder till höger. More pictures to the right.
Jonas & Elin på besök/Jonas & Elin visit
Jonas och Elin passade på att fara norröver på semestern och tittade in hos oss. I det härliga vädret tog vi dem till den lilla stugan med den nya bryggan. Först solade de, sedan badade de. Sedan for vi hem och då gjorde Elin en god smörgåstårta som var som ett konstverk.
Jonas and Elin took the opportunity to go north on their vacation and dropped in with us. In the glorious weather we took them to the little cottage with the new bridge. First, they were sunbathing, then they bathed. Then we went home where Elin prepared a good sandwich cake that was like a work of art.
Jonas and Elin took the opportunity to go north on their vacation and dropped in with us. In the glorious weather we took them to the little cottage with the new bridge. First, they were sunbathing, then they bathed. Then we went home where Elin prepared a good sandwich cake that was like a work of art.
lördag 2 augusti 2014
Fest i Lockne igen/Party in Lockne again
För en vecka sedan var det årlig byfest i Lockne igen, en perfekt sommarkväll och -natt. Vi åt middag hemma hos Roger och Maggan först och kom till Lockne i lagom tid för kubbspelsfinalen. Sedan blev det dans!
A week ago it was time for the annual fiesta in Lockne village again, on a perfect summer evening and -night. We had dinner at the home of Roger and Maggan and arrived in Lockne just in for the game finale. Then there was dancing!
Mer till höger. More to the right.
A week ago it was time for the annual fiesta in Lockne village again, on a perfect summer evening and -night. We had dinner at the home of Roger and Maggan and arrived in Lockne just in for the game finale. Then there was dancing!
Mer till höger. More to the right.
lördag 26 juli 2014
Sommarprojekt inför vintern/Summer project for the winter

In the worst heat has a sewing project has been going on. A yukata (a robe of Japanese cut) would be produced by one who never sewed anything sensible in all her life and who had a phobia against all sewing. Now it's too hot to even try the result on so we'll see this winter how it looks.
Ny brygga vid stugan/New bridge at the cabin
Den gamla stugbryggan hade sett sina bästa dagar. Urban och Sigge tillverkade en ny som efter etappvisa insatser kommit på plats. Perfekt för sol och bad!
The old cabin bridge had seen its best days. Urban and Sigge made a new one step by step, now in place. Perfect for swimming and sunbathing!
Mer om detta till höger. More about this to the right.
Ett tidigare inlägg behandlar en etapp. An earlier entry is about one step in the process.
The old cabin bridge had seen its best days. Urban and Sigge made a new one step by step, now in place. Perfect for swimming and sunbathing!
Mer om detta till höger. More about this to the right.
Ett tidigare inlägg behandlar en etapp. An earlier entry is about one step in the process.
tisdag 15 juli 2014
Historievandring/Historical walk
Vi tog en promenad i aftonsolen igår och testade en okänd
stig. Det blev allt lummigare och igenväxt. Men förr låg här blomstrande
industri. Dit tågen gick. Nu går inte så många tåg här längre… Men järnvägens
slutstation låg väldigt vackert.
We took a
walk in the evening sun yesterday and tried an unknown path. It became more
and more bushy and overgrown. But earlier here was booming industry. Where
trains went. Now, not so many trains run here anymore ... But the railway final
stop had a very beautiful location.
lördag 12 juli 2014
Landgång på plats/Gangway in place
I alla fall nästan. Den fungerar men för att hålla i 1000 år behövs fyra skruvar till. Inga problem, det kommer att hända. Men idag var det för fint väder för att arbeta mer. Hela historien kommer.
Almost, anyway. It works but to hold for 1000 years four more screws are needed. No problem, it will happen. But today the weather was too good to work more. The whole story will come.
Almost, anyway. It works but to hold for 1000 years four more screws are needed. No problem, it will happen. But today the weather was too good to work more. The whole story will come.
Det fanns hopp om att vi skulle uppleva några tropiska
nätter här, d v s nätter när temperaturen inte sjunker under 20 grader. Månen
och natthimlen har sett lätt tropiska ut på sistone men så nattvarmt blev det inte. I
alla fall inte än och troligen inte i år. Det var fyra år sedan sist. Men på dagarna
har vi tropisk värme, eller åtminstone nära det man upplever vid Medelhavet. Så
vi tar lärdom av turkarna och serverar oss vad man genom årtusenden har ansett vara
det mest uppfriskande en sommardag på den turkiska sydkusten. När solen
skiner och svetten lackar vill vi ha Ayran.
There was
hope that we would experience some tropical nights here, i e nights when the
temperature does not drop below 20 centigrades. The moon and the night sky have
looked slightly tropical lately but it didn’t happen when it comes to night temperature. At least not yet, and
probably will not this year. It was four years since the last tropical nights.
But in daytime we have tropical heat, or at least close to what you'd
experience by the Mediterranean. So we learn from the Turks and serve ourselves
what they through thousands of years have considered be the most refreshing a
summer day on the Turkish south coast. When the sun is shining and the sweat is
dripping we want Ayran.
torsdag 10 juli 2014
Blomsaga/Flower saga
Utomhuskrukorna har länge varit sorgligt övergivna, Så även i år. För sent köpte vi några extremt trista plantor och satte ut. Vad kan man begära av döende plantor som kostar 5:-/6 st på Konsum. Och sedan blev det svinkallt och nära på snöstorm (i alla fall mycket regn). Men så kom sommaren! Aldrig förringa blommors livsvilja. Ett mirakel.
Our outdoor pots have long been sadly abandoned, This year, too. Too late, we bought some extremely dull plants and put out. What can you ask of dying plants that cost SEK 5:- for 6 at the Konsum store? Then it was freezing cold and almost a blizzard (at least much rain). But then came the summer! Never belittle flowers' will to live. A miracle.
söndag 22 juni 2014
Midsommar 2014/Midsummer 2014
Vi skulle ut och ha roligt på midsommar. Istället blev det förkylning/allergi. Och ett väldigt litet och stillsamt midsommarfirande. Inomhus.
We were going out and having fun at midsummer. Instead we had a cold/allergy. And a very small and quiet midsummer celebration. Indoors.
We were going out and having fun at midsummer. Instead we had a cold/allergy. And a very small and quiet midsummer celebration. Indoors.
fredag 30 maj 2014
Sol och glada barn/Sun and happy children
När solen kommer fram blir det ännu mera spring – eller
kanske hopp – i benen. Grannflickan Elle hittade en alldeles lagom höjd att
hoppa från på vår altan.
When the
sun comes out there will be even more running – or perhaps jumping – in the
legs. Neighbor girl Elle found one just right height to jump from on our patio.
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