Återigen har vi varit på stor fest i Stadshuset. Bland annat delade kungen ut priser till goda medborgare som gjort något för samhället, t ex till EU-parlamentarikern Isabella Lövin, som också höll ett mycket bra tal om utarmningen av havet. Men något mycket mer spektakulärt hände i samma trappa kort före det...
Once again we have been to a big party in Stockholm City Hall. Among other things the King distributed awards to good citizens who have contributed to society, e.g. EU Parliamentarian Isabella Lövin, who also made a very good speech about the depletion of the seas. But something much more spectacular took place in the very same stairs shortly before that...
onsdag 29 januari 2014
söndag 19 januari 2014
lördag 18 januari 2014
Vinter i hela Sverige/Winter in whole Sweden
Hela Sverige lär vara snötäckt nu. Stockholm med, där många tagit fram skidorna även om snödjupet bara är några enstaka centimeter. Men det är rätt trevligt att kunna uppleva detta bara 10 min resa från själva Stockholm city.
All of Sweden is said to be covered in snow now. Stockholm too, where many has taken out their skis even if the snow depth is only a few centimeters. But it's quite nice to be able to experience this just 10 minutes ride from the very centre of Stockholm.
All of Sweden is said to be covered in snow now. Stockholm too, where many has taken out their skis even if the snow depth is only a few centimeters. But it's quite nice to be able to experience this just 10 minutes ride from the very centre of Stockholm.
onsdag 8 januari 2014
Småskalig ornitologi/Small scale ornitology
Ute på promenad. Någon "knackade på dörren" på vägen. En hackspett, en Större hackspett för att vara exakt. Kanske försökte den skapa ett bo i en telefonstolpe. Känns som ett ganska omöjligt projekt. Alldeles ovanför en väg verkar inte heller vara bästa miljön för ungarna – om bobygget ens lyckas. Troligare att den skickade ljudsignaler till likasinnade.
Out for a walk. Somebody "knocked on the door" on the way. A woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, to be precise. Maybe it was trying to create a nest in a telephone pole. Feels like a pretty impossible project. Just above the road does not seem to be the best environment for the kids – if nesting even succeeds. More likely it was sending sound signals to likeminded birds.
Out for a walk. Somebody "knocked on the door" on the way. A woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, to be precise. Maybe it was trying to create a nest in a telephone pole. Feels like a pretty impossible project. Just above the road does not seem to be the best environment for the kids – if nesting even succeeds. More likely it was sending sound signals to likeminded birds.
måndag 6 januari 2014
Grått – bevisen/Grey – the proofs
Det ÄR grått, om nu någon inte tror på det. Så grått att man inte ens tänker på att ta fram kameran, vilket framgår av vårt förra inlägg. Men nu finns bildbevisen. Dessa bilder är tagna mitt på ljusa (?) dagen, idag kl 12:46 och 13:08 för att vara exakt. På ena bilden finns faktiskt en kyrka.
It IS grey, in case someone doesn't believe that. So grey that you don't even think of bringing out the camera, which is obvious in our last entry. But now there are picture proofs. These photos are taken in bright (?) daylight, today at 12:46 and 13:08 to be exact. On one of the pictures there actually is a church.
It IS grey, in case someone doesn't believe that. So grey that you don't even think of bringing out the camera, which is obvious in our last entry. But now there are picture proofs. These photos are taken in bright (?) daylight, today at 12:46 and 13:08 to be exact. On one of the pictures there actually is a church.
söndag 5 januari 2014
Grått, grått, grått/Grey, grey, grey
Grått ute, grått inne. Vi kommer att behöva ljusterapi inom kort. Mer ljus, mindre förkylningar vore bra.
Grey outdoors, grey indoors. We will need light therapy shortly. More light, less colds would be fine.
Grey outdoors, grey indoors. We will need light therapy shortly. More light, less colds would be fine.
torsdag 2 januari 2014
Gott Nytt År 2014/Happy New Year 2014
Vi tillbringade nyårsafton hos Roger och Maggan med deras barn och barnbarn och med Jonas och Elin som kom från Stockholm. Det blev lite fyrverkerier och massor med fantastisk mat.
We spent New Year's Eve at Roger's and Maggan's with their children and grandchildren and with Jonas and Elin who came from Stockholm. There were some fireworks and lots of tremendous food.
We spent New Year's Eve at Roger's and Maggan's with their children and grandchildren and with Jonas and Elin who came from Stockholm. There were some fireworks and lots of tremendous food.
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Roger. Snart blir det fyrverkeri!/Soon there will be fireworks! |
Roger's & Maggan's yngsta barnbarn/youngest grandchild Edvin.
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Sigge, Elin & Jonas. |
onsdag 1 januari 2014
Julklappen invigd/The Christmas gift inaugurated
En julklapp som vi fick med oss från firandet var en kakburk. Nu är den invigd.
One Christmas gift we brought back with us from the celebration was a cookie jar. Now it is inaugurated.
One Christmas gift we brought back with us from the celebration was a cookie jar. Now it is inaugurated.
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