Även om det meteorlogiskt sett fortfarande inte blivit vinter i Stockholm så ser det just nu ganska vintrigt ut.
Although it from a meteorological point of view still hasn’t become winter in Stockholm, it looks quite wintery right now.
söndag 22 januari 2012
måndag 9 januari 2012
Vinter eller...?/Winter or...?
I kvällens väderpresentation på TV framgick att i Stockholmsområdet är det fortfarande höst (!). Fem dagar i rad under noll – då är det vinter. På hemstället är det vinter (övre bilden). Och rätt långt söderöver med – inte mycket snö i Enångerstrakten (nedre bilden), men vackert!
In tonight's weather presentation on TV it was made clear that in the Stockholm area it's still fall (!). Five days in a row below zero – then it's winter. At the homestead it's winter (top picture). And quite far south, too – not much snow in the Enånger area (bottom picture), but beautiful!
In tonight's weather presentation on TV it was made clear that in the Stockholm area it's still fall (!). Five days in a row below zero – then it's winter. At the homestead it's winter (top picture). And quite far south, too – not much snow in the Enånger area (bottom picture), but beautiful!
tisdag 3 januari 2012
En promenad i solen/A walk in the sun
Igår ösregnade det, hård blåst och frampå kvällen snöade det ordentligt. Den av oss som trotsade vädret kom hem genomblöt, inifrån och utifrån. Idag ett helt annat väder. Den av oss som gav sig ut i det kom hem genomblöt, men bara inifrån.
Yesterday it rained cats and dogs, hard wind and towards the night it snowed quite a alot. The one of us who defied the weather came home soaking wet, from the inside and from the outside. Today a totally different weather. The one of us who went out in it came home soaking wet, but only from the inside.
Yesterday it rained cats and dogs, hard wind and towards the night it snowed quite a alot. The one of us who defied the weather came home soaking wet, from the inside and from the outside. Today a totally different weather. The one of us who went out in it came home soaking wet, but only from the inside.
måndag 2 januari 2012
Lugnt nyårsfirande/Quiet New Year celebration
Vi firade det nya året mycket lugnt och stillsamt. Middag med musselsoppa och lammgryta á la Nils Emil. Och champagne förstås.
We celebrated the new year very quietly and calmly. Dinner with clam chowder and lamb casserole á la Nils Emil. And champagne of course.
We celebrated the new year very quietly and calmly. Dinner with clam chowder and lamb casserole á la Nils Emil. And champagne of course.
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