Till och med i Stockholm är det fina skidspår dessa dagar. Kanske skid-VM inspirerar?
Even in Stockholm there are nice ski tracks these days. Maybe inspired by the ski world championships?
söndag 25 januari 2015
Surt, surt, surt är det när man får parkeringsböter utan att ens ha parkerat fel. Dubbla p-skivor är förseelsen. Den lilla har bränt fast vid fönstret i sommarvärmen och är obrukbar, därav den stora. Ingen överlappning i tid. Inte trångt på parkeringen. Boten kom 6 min efter att vi lämnat bilen. "Service"? Uppskörtning snarare.
Sour, sour, sour is it when you get a parking ticket without even having parked wrong. Dual P-discs is the offense. The little one has stuck by the window in the summer heat and is useless, hence the big one. No overlap in time. Not a crowded parking lot. The fine came six minutes after we left the car. "Service"? Surcharging is more like it.
Sour, sour, sour is it when you get a parking ticket without even having parked wrong. Dual P-discs is the offense. The little one has stuck by the window in the summer heat and is useless, hence the big one. No overlap in time. Not a crowded parking lot. The fine came six minutes after we left the car. "Service"? Surcharging is more like it.
onsdag 21 januari 2015
lördag 17 januari 2015
Stockholmsturer/Stockholm tours
Även i Stockholm – kanske ännu mer i Stockholm? – är det halt. Och ändå är det bättre nu än för några dagar sedan tack vare plusgrader. Halkan är ett självklart diskussionsämne. eländigt väglag och broddar. Det blev i alla fall 22 km promenad idag, stundtals med livet som insats.
Even in Stockholm – perhaps even more so in Stockholm? – it is slippery. And yet it is better now than a few days ago thanks to degrees above zero. Slippery roads is an obvious topic. Miserable road surface conditions and spikes. But still a 22 km walk was accomplished today, sometimes with life at stake.
Even in Stockholm – perhaps even more so in Stockholm? – it is slippery. And yet it is better now than a few days ago thanks to degrees above zero. Slippery roads is an obvious topic. Miserable road surface conditions and spikes. But still a 22 km walk was accomplished today, sometimes with life at stake.
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söndag 4 januari 2015
Efter smällkalla vintern kom varmväder – och så blev det kring 0 igen. Och därmed is överallt. Inte ens med broddar klarar man alla hala fläckar, på vissa ställen är det på gränsen till livsfarligt. Men vädret är fint.
After the cold winter came warm weather – and so it turned back to around 0 again. And thus ice everywhere. Not even with spikes you can manage all slippery spots, in some places it is bordering on dangerous. But the weather is nice.
After the cold winter came warm weather – and so it turned back to around 0 again. And thus ice everywhere. Not even with spikes you can manage all slippery spots, in some places it is bordering on dangerous. But the weather is nice.
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