Idag var en strålande dag. Jorden ångade i den tidiga morgonsolen, hög och klar luft över gnistrande vita fasader. Och gräsänderna tog sovmorgon idag. Förorten är oförtjänt föraktad.
Today was a brilliant day. The earth steamed in the early morning sun, the air high and clear over sparkling white facades. And the mallards slept in this morning. The suburb is undeservedly scorned.
lördag 21 september 2013
lördag 14 september 2013
En dag på stan 23/A day in the city 23
Idag var det allsång i centrum av den lilla förorten. Gruppen "Smågodis" sjöng riktigt bra (om än kanske lite tråkigt) och allsångshäftet var också en lott. Nästa lördag blir det ännu bättre, torget blir platsen för en "jazzdag".
Today there was singsong in the centre of the little suburb. The group "Small candy" sang quite well (although perhaps a little boring) and the singsong booklet was also a lottery ticket. Next Saturday it will be even better: the square will be the location for a "jazz day".
Today there was singsong in the centre of the little suburb. The group "Small candy" sang quite well (although perhaps a little boring) and the singsong booklet was also a lottery ticket. Next Saturday it will be even better: the square will be the location for a "jazz day".
Ny fasad/New facade
Den gamla affären är inte längre en gammal affär. Utan de stora gamla skyltfönstren har huset fått ett helt nytt utseende.
The old store is no longer an old store. Without the large old store windows the house has gotten a completely new look.
Fler bilder till höger. More pictures to the right
The old store is no longer an old store. Without the large old store windows the house has gotten a completely new look.
Fler bilder till höger. More pictures to the right
söndag 8 september 2013
Utomhusstädning/Outdoor cleaning
Större fasadarbeten är på ingående, och de kräver att området rensas från all onödig bråte. Vilket betyder ungefär varenda liten pryl som legat utanför vår entré senaste året. En av oss engagerade sig och tog bort alltihop. Nu kan man vila sina trötta ben i gungstolen innan man går in i huset.
Major facade works are incoming, and they demand that the area is cleaned from all unnecessary stuff. Which means about every single item that's been laying around outside our entrance the past year. One of us got busy and took them away. Now you can rest your weak legs in the rocking chair before you enter the house.
Major facade works are incoming, and they demand that the area is cleaned from all unnecessary stuff. Which means about every single item that's been laying around outside our entrance the past year. One of us got busy and took them away. Now you can rest your weak legs in the rocking chair before you enter the house.
måndag 2 september 2013
Grannskapets vilda (?) djur/The neighborhood's wild (?) animals
Vi tittade ut genom fönstret och upptäckte att en svartvit kompis hade flyttat in på vår gård. Ganska orädd för att vara "vild". Han kom t o m rätt bra överens med Fido, som var väldigt nyfiken på honom. De var mycket närmare varandra senare.
We looked out the window and found that a black and white buddy had moved into our garden. Quite fearless to be "wild". He even got along rather well with Fido, who was very curious of him. They were much closer to each other later on.
We looked out the window and found that a black and white buddy had moved into our garden. Quite fearless to be "wild". He even got along rather well with Fido, who was very curious of him. They were much closer to each other later on.
söndag 1 september 2013
Lionsaktivitet 1/Lion activity 1
Sigge har gått med i den lokala Lionsklubben och förväntas hjälpa
till med goda gärningar med jämna mellanrum. Denna helg arrangerade klubben bingo
i stadens centrum och fick in ganska mycket pengar till välgörenhet.
Sigge has
joined the local Lions club and is expected to help out with good deeds in regular
intervals. This weekend the club arranged bingo in the center of the town and
raised quite a lot of money to charity.
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