Naturligtvis är inte våren här än, men idag kände vi den i luften på något sätt. Isen ligger fortfarande, men börjar tina lite. Solen betyder mycket för frusna nordiska själar – vilket bl a det lilla tecknet på trottoaren berättar.
Of course spring isn't here yet, but today we felt it in the air in a way. The ice is still there but starts to melt a little. The sun means a lot for frozen nordic souls – which i.g. the small sign on the curb tells.
söndag 26 februari 2012
lördag 25 februari 2012
Den grå vardagen/The dull everyday
Den grå vardagen i förorten. Det är inte så roligt att tillbringa lördageftermiddagen i tvättstugan men det måste ju göras och det är skönt när det är gjort. Rena lakan är väl det bästa man kan ha?
The dull everyday in the suburb. It's not that much fun to spend the Saturday afternoon in the laundry room but it has to be done and it's nice when it's done. Clean sheets is about the best you can have, isn't it?
The dull everyday in the suburb. It's not that much fun to spend the Saturday afternoon in the laundry room but it has to be done and it's nice when it's done. Clean sheets is about the best you can have, isn't it?
söndag 12 februari 2012
Vilken vacker dag!/What a beautiful day!
Strax under noll och strålande sol, det perfekta vintervädret. Även om det inte verkar så på dessa bilder så var det trängsel i skidspåren. Men vi som valde att gå till fots i den ganska lösa snön vid sidan om spåren fick troligen mer motion.
Just below zero and beaming sunshine, the perfect winter weather. Even if you can't tell from these pictures the ski tracks were crowded. But we who chose to walk on foot in the quite loose snow next to the track probably got more exercise.
Just below zero and beaming sunshine, the perfect winter weather. Even if you can't tell from these pictures the ski tracks were crowded. But we who chose to walk on foot in the quite loose snow next to the track probably got more exercise.
lördag 4 februari 2012
Polarväder/Polar weather
I morse: -28°C ute och + 15° inne. Global uppvärmning känns långt borta.
This morning -28°C outside and +15° inside. Global warming seems far away.
This morning -28°C outside and +15° inside. Global warming seems far away.
Inomhusjakt/Indoor hunt
Katten Fido har ett uppdrag som han tar mycket allvarligt. Det är att hålla området fritt från möss. De små rackarna föredrar att ta sig in under diskbänken – ett perfekt ställe att ha vakt. I natt var jaktlyckan god, två byten. (Fotografen var lite skakad av att köket plötsligt blivit Jurtjyrkogård.)
Fido the cat has a mission that he takes very seriously. It is to keep the area clear of mice. The little rascals prefer getting in from under the sink – a perfect place to be on watch. This night the hunting fortune was good, two catches. (The photographer was a little bit shaken that the kitchen suddenly had turned into a Pet Sematary.)
Fido the cat has a mission that he takes very seriously. It is to keep the area clear of mice. The little rascals prefer getting in from under the sink – a perfect place to be on watch. This night the hunting fortune was good, two catches. (The photographer was a little bit shaken that the kitchen suddenly had turned into a Pet Sematary.)
fredag 3 februari 2012
Oortodox parkering/Unorthodox parking
Sigges resa hem från byggsajten igår slutade med två däck djupt nere i snön utanför vårt hus. Djupt nog att ha anledning att kalla på någon som kunde bärga den. Han kom och sedan var problemet borta. (Denne någon var tvungen att komma och få vår elektrikers bil ur samma predikament på nästan samma ställe förra året. Vi måste göra något åt vår uppfart.)
Sigge’s trip home from the building site yesterday ended with two tires deep down in the snow outside our house. Deep enough to have a reason to call for somebody who could tow it. He came and then the problem was gone. (This somebody had to come and get our electrician's car out of the same predicament at almost the same spot last year. We have to do something about our drive way.)
Sigge’s trip home from the building site yesterday ended with two tires deep down in the snow outside our house. Deep enough to have a reason to call for somebody who could tow it. He came and then the problem was gone. (This somebody had to come and get our electrician's car out of the same predicament at almost the same spot last year. We have to do something about our drive way.)
torsdag 2 februari 2012
Utsikt från ett köksfönster/View from a kitchen window
Vilken vacker dag! Sol och 20 grader kallt. Vi har tur som har en spis att elda i.
What a beautiful day! Sun and 20 degrees below zero. We are lucky to have a stove to light a fire in.
What a beautiful day! Sun and 20 degrees below zero. We are lucky to have a stove to light a fire in.
Stor fest/Big party
Återigen har vi varit på middag med kungen. Denna gång på Berns, efter högtidssammankomsten på Musikaliska. Detta års tema, Skogen, var uppenbarligen mycket inspirerande. Talen, dekorationerna, maten – allt tog intryck av temat. Liksom vissa utstyrslar.
Once again we have been to dinner with the king. This time at Berns, after the Commemorative meeting at Musikaliska. This year’s theme, The Forest, was apparently very inspiring. The speeches, the decorations, the food – it all was influenced by the theme. Certain outfits were, too.
Se fler bilder/see more pictures.
Once again we have been to dinner with the king. This time at Berns, after the Commemorative meeting at Musikaliska. This year’s theme, The Forest, was apparently very inspiring. The speeches, the decorations, the food – it all was influenced by the theme. Certain outfits were, too.
Se fler bilder/see more pictures.
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Christina Möller & Carl Jan Granqvist presenterade måltiden/presented the meal. |
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Landsbygdsminister/Minister of Rural Affairs Eskil Erlandsson höll talet efter middagen/made the speech after dinner. |
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