Förra helgen fick Arklo ett tillfälligt besök. Det är väl så det blir framöver, nu när vi lämnat ifrån oss den lilla äganderätt vi hade där. Det var fantastiskt att se att, ÄNTLIGEN!, blir några åtgärder vidtagna beträffande det stora gula huset på området. Moster Ingrid har jobbat. Nytt tak är på gång. Inte en minut för tidigt. Vår eloge.
Last weekend Arklo had an occasional visit. That's probably how it will be onwards, now that we have given up the little right of possession we had there. It was great to see that, AT LAST!, some measures will be taken concerning the great yellow house on the premises. Aunt Ingrid has been busy. New roof coming up. Not one minute too early. Our commendation.
torsdag 27 oktober 2011
måndag 10 oktober 2011
Harry Oliver
Vi har just varit på vår bästa musikal hittills. Harry Oliver! Den som inte går och ser den får skylla sig själv. Stackars Stockholm som inte har detta. Än. Superprofessionellt!
We have just been to our best musical so far. Harry Oliver! Those who don't go and see it have to blame themselves. Poor Stockholm that doesn't have this. Yet. Super professional!
We have just been to our best musical so far. Harry Oliver! Those who don't go and see it have to blame themselves. Poor Stockholm that doesn't have this. Yet. Super professional!
Foto från programmet.
Kantarelljakt/Chanterelle hunt
Vi gav oss ut i skogen för att hitta några kantareller och njuta av det fina vädret. Vi både hittade svamp och blev överväldigade av skogslandskapet. Som boken som Ylva just producerar fastställer: Skog dominerar Sverige och täcker mer än halva landet, vilket den inte gör i Europa i sin helhet.
We went out into the woods to find some chanterelles and enjoy the nice weather. We both found mushrooms and were overwhelmed by the forest landscape. As the book Ylva is producing for the moment states: Forests dominate Sweden, and cover more than half the country, which is not the case in Europe as a whole.
We went out into the woods to find some chanterelles and enjoy the nice weather. We both found mushrooms and were overwhelmed by the forest landscape. As the book Ylva is producing for the moment states: Forests dominate Sweden, and cover more than half the country, which is not the case in Europe as a whole.
fredag 7 oktober 2011
Drakstaden/Dragon city
Alla som har varit i Sundsvall vet att om sommaren så fylls staden med drakar. Draken har ju också blivit stadens signum. Men nu vill drakarna klättra mot skyarna. Här tar en blå liten rackare sig upp för Forumhusets vägg.
Everyone who has been in Sundsvall knows that in summer the city is filled with dragons. The dragon also has become the city trademark. But now the dragons want to climb towards the skies. Here a blue little rascal is making his way up the Forumhuset wall.
Everyone who has been in Sundsvall knows that in summer the city is filled with dragons. The dragon also has become the city trademark. But now the dragons want to climb towards the skies. Here a blue little rascal is making his way up the Forumhuset wall.
Cool lampa/Cool lamp
En av oss deltog i ett arbetsutskottsmöte häromdagen. Över konferensbordet hängde en riktigt cool lampa – vem har inte haft en del av en sådan över skrivbordet någon gång i livet? Fast den känns som om Honmostret breder ut sig över lokalen måste vi nu skanna skrotar...
One of us attended an executive committee meeting the other day. Over the conference table hung a really cool lamp – who hasn't had a part of that over his desk sometime during his life? Although it feels as if the Shelob extends herself over the premises, we have to go scanning junk yards...
One of us attended an executive committee meeting the other day. Over the conference table hung a really cool lamp – who hasn't had a part of that over his desk sometime during his life? Although it feels as if the Shelob extends herself over the premises, we have to go scanning junk yards...
Stockholmskt landskap/Stockholmian landscape
Vi, som tillbringar rätt mycket tid i Stockholm, ger oss sällan tid att se hur mycket vår huvudstad har att ge. Mitt i centrum av staden befinner vi oss i denna lummiga park och där bakom sticker ett kulturellt monument upp, Stockholms Stadsbibliotek, som tyvärr inte har världens bästa hemsida (men vem har det?). Någon av oss har tillbringat en hel del tid där...
We, who spend quite a lot of time in Stockholm, seldom take time to see how much our capital city has to give. In the very centre of the city we find ourselves in this lush park, and beyond a cultural monument rises, the Stockholm City Library, which unfortunately doesn't have the world's best website (but who has?). One of us has spent quite some time there...
We, who spend quite a lot of time in Stockholm, seldom take time to see how much our capital city has to give. In the very centre of the city we find ourselves in this lush park, and beyond a cultural monument rises, the Stockholm City Library, which unfortunately doesn't have the world's best website (but who has?). One of us has spent quite some time there...
söndag 2 oktober 2011
Nidarosdomen/The Nidaros cathedral
Målet för den norska resan var Trondheim och Nidarosdomen, ett imponerande skrytbygge.
The goal of the Norwegian trip was Trondheim and the Nidaros cathedral, an impressive boastful building.
The goal of the Norwegian trip was Trondheim and the Nidaros cathedral, an impressive boastful building.
Norska hällristningar/Norwegian petroglyphs
Eftersom Enaforsholm ligger så nära Norge så passade vi på att åka utomlands över dagen. På vägen till Trondheim stannade vi till vid ett fält med hällristningar.
Since Enaforsholm is so close to Norway we took the opportunity to go abroad over the day. On our way to Trondheim we stopped by a rock carvings site.
Since Enaforsholm is so close to Norway we took the opportunity to go abroad over the day. On our way to Trondheim we stopped by a rock carvings site.
Fjällvistelse/Mountain stay
I mitten av september tillbringade vi en helg på Enaforsholm Fjällgård i Jämtland. En gård som ägs av Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien och som drivs som ett hotell/pensionat. Vi hade en mycket trevlig och avkopplande vistelse där och Bosse Berglund, värden, tog hand om oss mycket väl.
Naturligtvis tog vi med oss kameran på våra utomhusexkursioner. Sigge fotograferade bl a Ylva och Ylva fotograferade bl a några rejäla trädgårdsmöbler (för att minnas konstruktionsidén).
In the middle of September we stayed a weekend at Enaforsholm Fjällgård in Jämtland (northwest Sweden). An estate owned by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry and run like a hotel/boarding house. We had a very nice and relaxing stay there, and Bosse Berglund, the host, took care of us very well.
Of course we brought the camera on our outdoor excursions. Sigge photographed e.g. Ylva and Ylva photographed e.g. some proper garden furniture (to remember the construction idea).
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