Precis som förra året tillbringade vi julaftonen hos Britt och John. God mat, lekar och julklappar, i den ordningen.
Just as last year we spent X-mas eve at Britt’s and John’s. Good food, games and presents, in that order.
söndag 25 december 2011
Vit jul/White Christmas
Vi hoppades på en vit jul i år. Hittills är tecknen goda.
We hoped for a white christmas this year. So far the signs are good.
söndag 18 december 2011
Jul på jobbet/Christmas at work
I fredags hade vi ett litet jul- och nyårsfirande. Gran och julklappar markerade jul, champagne markerade nytt år. Sista veckan fram till jul kommer att gå fort.
This Friday we had a small Christmas and New Year's celebration. Tree and gifts indicated X-mas, champagne indicated the New Year. The last week before Christmas will pass quickly.
This Friday we had a small Christmas and New Year's celebration. Tree and gifts indicated X-mas, champagne indicated the New Year. The last week before Christmas will pass quickly.
söndag 4 december 2011
Smygfrukt/Fruit on the sly
Det står några taniga chiliplantor i Hagsätra också. Och plötsligt växer frukt på två av dem, helt oväntat. Vårdnadshavaren är mycket förvånad.
There are a few thin chili plants i Hagsätra, too. And suddenly two of them have growned fruit, totally unexpected. The custodian is utterly surprised.
There are a few thin chili plants i Hagsätra, too. And suddenly two of them have growned fruit, totally unexpected. The custodian is utterly surprised.
måndag 28 november 2011
Röksignaler/Smoke signals
Äntligen tog vi tag i den andra högen med rester från sommarens avverkning. En försiktig start med lite kapande här och där för att få ihop högen bättre i snöyran. Sedan eld, med hjälp av diesel och däck. Sedan rök!!! Hela grannskapet sveptes in i tjock rök, grannen Madeline trodde hela vårt hus brann och hann nästan ringa 112. Det gjorde det inte, men blev helt impregnerat med rök och luktar numera skorsten. Ylva måste stanna en dag till för att vädra hus och kläder. Kallt! Men högen är borta.
At last we dealt with the second pile of remainders from the summer’s cutting down trees. A slow start with a little cutting here and there to gather the heap better in the snow flurry. Then fire with the help of diesel and tire. Then smoke!!! The whole neighborhood was enfolded in thick smoke, neighbor Madeline thought our whole house was on fire and almost called 112. It wasn’t, but was all impregnated with smoke and smells like a chimney now. Ylva had to stay another day to ventilate house and clothes. Cold! But the pile is gone.
At last we dealt with the second pile of remainders from the summer’s cutting down trees. A slow start with a little cutting here and there to gather the heap better in the snow flurry. Then fire with the help of diesel and tire. Then smoke!!! The whole neighborhood was enfolded in thick smoke, neighbor Madeline thought our whole house was on fire and almost called 112. It wasn’t, but was all impregnated with smoke and smells like a chimney now. Ylva had to stay another day to ventilate house and clothes. Cold! But the pile is gone.
Frågesportsparty II/Quiz-party II
I lördags kom Maggan & Roger och Anette & Urban över på middag och gänget förstärktes en kort stund med Erika, Andreas och Isabell. Så klart blev det frågesport, med lokal anknytning. Ämnet var Höga kusten-bron (med några utvikningar). Vi kan konstatera att bron är lång men minnet är kort. Till sist vann Lag Maggan/Urban utslagstävlingen genom att utropa ”Barsta!” i precis rätt ögonblick.This Saturday Maggan & Roger and Anette & Urban came over for dinner and the bunch was reinforced for a short while by Erika, Andreas and Isabell. Of course we had a quiz, with local ties. The subject was the Höga kusten-bron/High Coast Bridge (with some digressions). We can establish that the bridge is long but the memory is short. Eventually Team Maggan/Urban won the elimination round by shouting “Barsta!” in exactly the right moment.
måndag 14 november 2011
Ännu en bil/Yet another car
Så var det dags för ny bil igen. Denna gång ett mullrande machomonster som ska bidra till snabbare bygge (?). Det betyder att maskinparken just nu består av fyra bilar. Men två ska säljas så snart det går.
So, time for a new car again. This time a rumbling macho monster that will contribute to faster building work (?). This means that the machine park now consists of four cars. But two will be sold as soon as possible.
So, time for a new car again. This time a rumbling macho monster that will contribute to faster building work (?). This means that the machine park now consists of four cars. But two will be sold as soon as possible.
söndag 13 november 2011
Taj Mahal i/in Stockholm
Igår kväll var vi och såg/hörde blueslegenden Taj Mahal på Göta Källare. Tunggung rätt in i kroppen!
Yesterday night we went and saw/heard the blues legend Taj Mahal at Göta Källare. Heavy beats straight into the body!
Foto från Taj Mahals officiella hemsida. Photo from Taj Mahal's official website.
Yesterday night we went and saw/heard the blues legend Taj Mahal at Göta Källare. Heavy beats straight into the body!
Foto från Taj Mahals officiella hemsida. Photo from Taj Mahal's official website.
lördag 12 november 2011
En dag på stan 18/A day in the city 18
Lite förvånande var det att passera Stockholms Stadion häromdagen och upptäcka att bakom stadion står plötsligt ett backhoppningstorn, ett riktigt högt ett.
It was somewhat surprising to pass the Stockholm Stadium the other day and discover that behind the stadium stands suddenly a ski jumping tower, a really high one.
It was somewhat surprising to pass the Stockholm Stadium the other day and discover that behind the stadium stands suddenly a ski jumping tower, a really high one.
tisdag 8 november 2011
Stor kemist & hösthimmel/Grand chemist & fall sky
En av oss besökte Observatoriemuseet i eftermiddag, såg en utställning över kemisten/universalsnillet Jacob Berzelius (1779–1848) och betraktade månen och Jupiter genom stjärnkikare från 1910.
One of us visited the Observatorium Museum this afternoon, saw an exhibition over the chemist/all around genius Jacob Berzelius (1779–1848) and watched the moon and Jupiter through an astronomc telescope from 1910.
One of us visited the Observatorium Museum this afternoon, saw an exhibition over the chemist/all around genius Jacob Berzelius (1779–1848) and watched the moon and Jupiter through an astronomc telescope from 1910.
måndag 7 november 2011
Eldfest/Fire feast
I helgen hade vi vår första eldfest, det som förhoppningsvis ska bli tradition, arrangerat tillsammans med våra närmaste grannar. Men vi startade ganska diskret. Poängen var att bränna allt det som vi avverkade i somras – en stor allhelgonabrasa alltså. Utom att vi först inte fick fart på den i den fuktiga och dimmiga luften. Men till sist, med hjälp av Robban och Urban, blev det ändå en rejäl brasa. De två lagen skötte sig bra och byggde snygga vindskydd. Några bilder till höger.
This weekend we had our first fire feast, which hopefully is to become a tradition, arranged together with our closest neighbors. But we started off quite discretely. The point was to burn all that we cut down this summer – a large halloween fire, that is. Except that at first we couldn't get it going in the humid and foggy air. But at last, with help from Robban and Urban, we had a proper fire. The two teams did well and built handsome wind shelters. A few pictures to the right.
This weekend we had our first fire feast, which hopefully is to become a tradition, arranged together with our closest neighbors. But we started off quite discretely. The point was to burn all that we cut down this summer – a large halloween fire, that is. Except that at first we couldn't get it going in the humid and foggy air. But at last, with help from Robban and Urban, we had a proper fire. The two teams did well and built handsome wind shelters. A few pictures to the right.
torsdag 27 oktober 2011
Tillfälligt besök i Arklo/Occasional visit in Arklo
Förra helgen fick Arklo ett tillfälligt besök. Det är väl så det blir framöver, nu när vi lämnat ifrån oss den lilla äganderätt vi hade där. Det var fantastiskt att se att, ÄNTLIGEN!, blir några åtgärder vidtagna beträffande det stora gula huset på området. Moster Ingrid har jobbat. Nytt tak är på gång. Inte en minut för tidigt. Vår eloge.
Last weekend Arklo had an occasional visit. That's probably how it will be onwards, now that we have given up the little right of possession we had there. It was great to see that, AT LAST!, some measures will be taken concerning the great yellow house on the premises. Aunt Ingrid has been busy. New roof coming up. Not one minute too early. Our commendation.
Last weekend Arklo had an occasional visit. That's probably how it will be onwards, now that we have given up the little right of possession we had there. It was great to see that, AT LAST!, some measures will be taken concerning the great yellow house on the premises. Aunt Ingrid has been busy. New roof coming up. Not one minute too early. Our commendation.
måndag 10 oktober 2011
Harry Oliver
Vi har just varit på vår bästa musikal hittills. Harry Oliver! Den som inte går och ser den får skylla sig själv. Stackars Stockholm som inte har detta. Än. Superprofessionellt!
We have just been to our best musical so far. Harry Oliver! Those who don't go and see it have to blame themselves. Poor Stockholm that doesn't have this. Yet. Super professional!
We have just been to our best musical so far. Harry Oliver! Those who don't go and see it have to blame themselves. Poor Stockholm that doesn't have this. Yet. Super professional!
Foto från programmet.
Kantarelljakt/Chanterelle hunt
Vi gav oss ut i skogen för att hitta några kantareller och njuta av det fina vädret. Vi både hittade svamp och blev överväldigade av skogslandskapet. Som boken som Ylva just producerar fastställer: Skog dominerar Sverige och täcker mer än halva landet, vilket den inte gör i Europa i sin helhet.
We went out into the woods to find some chanterelles and enjoy the nice weather. We both found mushrooms and were overwhelmed by the forest landscape. As the book Ylva is producing for the moment states: Forests dominate Sweden, and cover more than half the country, which is not the case in Europe as a whole.
We went out into the woods to find some chanterelles and enjoy the nice weather. We both found mushrooms and were overwhelmed by the forest landscape. As the book Ylva is producing for the moment states: Forests dominate Sweden, and cover more than half the country, which is not the case in Europe as a whole.
fredag 7 oktober 2011
Drakstaden/Dragon city
Alla som har varit i Sundsvall vet att om sommaren så fylls staden med drakar. Draken har ju också blivit stadens signum. Men nu vill drakarna klättra mot skyarna. Här tar en blå liten rackare sig upp för Forumhusets vägg.
Everyone who has been in Sundsvall knows that in summer the city is filled with dragons. The dragon also has become the city trademark. But now the dragons want to climb towards the skies. Here a blue little rascal is making his way up the Forumhuset wall.
Everyone who has been in Sundsvall knows that in summer the city is filled with dragons. The dragon also has become the city trademark. But now the dragons want to climb towards the skies. Here a blue little rascal is making his way up the Forumhuset wall.
Cool lampa/Cool lamp
En av oss deltog i ett arbetsutskottsmöte häromdagen. Över konferensbordet hängde en riktigt cool lampa – vem har inte haft en del av en sådan över skrivbordet någon gång i livet? Fast den känns som om Honmostret breder ut sig över lokalen måste vi nu skanna skrotar...
One of us attended an executive committee meeting the other day. Over the conference table hung a really cool lamp – who hasn't had a part of that over his desk sometime during his life? Although it feels as if the Shelob extends herself over the premises, we have to go scanning junk yards...
One of us attended an executive committee meeting the other day. Over the conference table hung a really cool lamp – who hasn't had a part of that over his desk sometime during his life? Although it feels as if the Shelob extends herself over the premises, we have to go scanning junk yards...
Stockholmskt landskap/Stockholmian landscape
Vi, som tillbringar rätt mycket tid i Stockholm, ger oss sällan tid att se hur mycket vår huvudstad har att ge. Mitt i centrum av staden befinner vi oss i denna lummiga park och där bakom sticker ett kulturellt monument upp, Stockholms Stadsbibliotek, som tyvärr inte har världens bästa hemsida (men vem har det?). Någon av oss har tillbringat en hel del tid där...
We, who spend quite a lot of time in Stockholm, seldom take time to see how much our capital city has to give. In the very centre of the city we find ourselves in this lush park, and beyond a cultural monument rises, the Stockholm City Library, which unfortunately doesn't have the world's best website (but who has?). One of us has spent quite some time there...
We, who spend quite a lot of time in Stockholm, seldom take time to see how much our capital city has to give. In the very centre of the city we find ourselves in this lush park, and beyond a cultural monument rises, the Stockholm City Library, which unfortunately doesn't have the world's best website (but who has?). One of us has spent quite some time there...
söndag 2 oktober 2011
Nidarosdomen/The Nidaros cathedral
Målet för den norska resan var Trondheim och Nidarosdomen, ett imponerande skrytbygge.
The goal of the Norwegian trip was Trondheim and the Nidaros cathedral, an impressive boastful building.
The goal of the Norwegian trip was Trondheim and the Nidaros cathedral, an impressive boastful building.
Norska hällristningar/Norwegian petroglyphs
Eftersom Enaforsholm ligger så nära Norge så passade vi på att åka utomlands över dagen. På vägen till Trondheim stannade vi till vid ett fält med hällristningar.
Since Enaforsholm is so close to Norway we took the opportunity to go abroad over the day. On our way to Trondheim we stopped by a rock carvings site.
Since Enaforsholm is so close to Norway we took the opportunity to go abroad over the day. On our way to Trondheim we stopped by a rock carvings site.
Fjällvistelse/Mountain stay
I mitten av september tillbringade vi en helg på Enaforsholm Fjällgård i Jämtland. En gård som ägs av Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien och som drivs som ett hotell/pensionat. Vi hade en mycket trevlig och avkopplande vistelse där och Bosse Berglund, värden, tog hand om oss mycket väl.
Naturligtvis tog vi med oss kameran på våra utomhusexkursioner. Sigge fotograferade bl a Ylva och Ylva fotograferade bl a några rejäla trädgårdsmöbler (för att minnas konstruktionsidén).
In the middle of September we stayed a weekend at Enaforsholm Fjällgård in Jämtland (northwest Sweden). An estate owned by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry and run like a hotel/boarding house. We had a very nice and relaxing stay there, and Bosse Berglund, the host, took care of us very well.
Of course we brought the camera on our outdoor excursions. Sigge photographed e.g. Ylva and Ylva photographed e.g. some proper garden furniture (to remember the construction idea).
lördag 10 september 2011
Årets surströmming/This year's surstromming
Britt och John bjöd på traditionell surströmming och vi infann oss. Det gjorde även Urban och Anette, nyss hemkomna från sin semesterresa till Bulgarien. Där fick de nog inte surströmming, men säkert annat gott. Surströmmingen var i alla fall väldigt god (även om andedräkten dagen därpå kunde döda). Britt hade dukat fint med tänkvärda ord för var och en att läsa upp före själva ätandet.
Britt and John served traditional surstromming (fermented Baltic herring) and we showed up. So did Urban and Anette, recently home from their vacation trip to Bulgaria. There they probably didn't get surstromming but surely other good stuff. Anyway, the herring was very good (although the breath the next day could kill). Britt had set the table very nicely with words worth considering for each of us to read out loud before the dinner itself.
Britt and John served traditional surstromming (fermented Baltic herring) and we showed up. So did Urban and Anette, recently home from their vacation trip to Bulgaria. There they probably didn't get surstromming but surely other good stuff. Anyway, the herring was very good (although the breath the next day could kill). Britt had set the table very nicely with words worth considering for each of us to read out loud before the dinner itself.
Hälsans stig/The path of health
Vi tog en promenad längs den fina "Hälsans stig", som går längs ån i staden. Och passerade förstås Herberts stråle.
We took a walk along the pretty "Path of health", which goes along the creek in the town. And of course passed Herbert's jet of water.
We took a walk along the pretty "Path of health", which goes along the creek in the town. And of course passed Herbert's jet of water.
Det ÄR svampår i år/It IS a mushroom year this year
Vi for till Finnmarken och klättrade upp för branterna där för att hitta någon enstaka svamp, Sigge klädd enligt senaste svampmode. Och vi hade tur! På två platser (en á 2 kvm, en á 4 kvm) hittade vi så vi kunde fylla våra kassar fulla med skogens guld.
We went to Finnmarken and climbed the hills there to find any occasional mushroom, Sigge dressed according to latest mushroom fashion. And we were lucky! At two spots (one á 2 square-m, one á 4 square-m) we found enough to fill our bags with the forest gold.
We went to Finnmarken and climbed the hills there to find any occasional mushroom, Sigge dressed according to latest mushroom fashion. And we were lucky! At two spots (one á 2 square-m, one á 4 square-m) we found enough to fill our bags with the forest gold.
söndag 4 september 2011
Är det svampår i år?/Is this year a mushroom year?
Redan talas det rätt mycket om svampskördar och är man ute i skogen så ränner det runt väldigt många med plastkassar i handen och med näsan nära marken. Nu är det kanske inte just denna svamp man längtar efter att plocka men den tyder i alla fall på att förhållandena är goda.
Already there is quite a lot of talk about mushroom harvest and if you are out in the forest very many run around with plastic bags in their hands and with the nose close to the ground. Now it might not be this particular mushroom you long to pick but at least it suggests that the conditions are good.
Already there is quite a lot of talk about mushroom harvest and if you are out in the forest very many run around with plastic bags in their hands and with the nose close to the ground. Now it might not be this particular mushroom you long to pick but at least it suggests that the conditions are good.
Liten folkfest/Small popular festivity
Dagens promenad ledde rakt in i en liten folkfest på Älvsjö gamla IP – det var Älvsjöskogens dag med en massa jippon. Bl a "fågeldisco", där man skulle gissa vilka fåglar man fick höra, och guidad rundtur i skogen.
Today's walk led straight into a small popular festivity at Älvsjö old sports ground – it was the Älvsjö Forest Day with a lot of happenings. Among other things a "bird disco", where you were to guess what birds you got to hear, and a guided tour around the forest.
Today's walk led straight into a small popular festivity at Älvsjö old sports ground – it was the Älvsjö Forest Day with a lot of happenings. Among other things a "bird disco", where you were to guess what birds you got to hear, and a guided tour around the forest.
fredag 2 september 2011
Vardagskultur/Every day culture
Alla som är familjära med Astrid Lindgrens värld vet förstås var Bo Vilhelm Olsson satt när han blev upplockad och förd till sin Fader Konungen, där han blev Mio. En av oss passerar just den platsen där han satt, Tegnérlunden, i stort sett varje dag. Och just där, väldigt lämpligt, står monumentet över Mios skapare. Kanske är det han som sitter nedanför henne?
All who are familiar with Astrid Lindgren's world of course know where Bo Vilhelm Olsson sat when he was picked up and brought to his Father the King, where he became Mio. One of us pass the spot where he sat, Tegnérlunden park, every day on the whole. And right there, very appropriately, stands the monument over Mio's creator. Perhaps it is he who sits below her?
All who are familiar with Astrid Lindgren's world of course know where Bo Vilhelm Olsson sat when he was picked up and brought to his Father the King, where he became Mio. One of us pass the spot where he sat, Tegnérlunden park, every day on the whole. And right there, very appropriately, stands the monument over Mio's creator. Perhaps it is he who sits below her?
Trevligt jobb/Nice job
Vissa dagar på jobbet är bättre än andra. T ex när man får gå på årsmöte hos Vetenskap & Allmänhet, en förening som arbetar med att främja dialogen mellan forskarna och allmänheten. Där förs många intressanta samtal. Mötet hölls på Östasiatiska museet.
Some days at work are better than others. E.g. when you get to attend the annual meeting of Vetenskap & Allmänhet (Public & Science), a society working with promoting dialogue and openness between the public and researchers. Many interesting discourses are carried on there. The meeting was held at the East Asian museum.
Some days at work are better than others. E.g. when you get to attend the annual meeting of Vetenskap & Allmänhet (Public & Science), a society working with promoting dialogue and openness between the public and researchers. Many interesting discourses are carried on there. The meeting was held at the East Asian museum.
tisdag 16 augusti 2011
En dag på stan 17/A day in the city 17

Vacation times are about to end and people start to stay in the center of the city. In quite a laid back way, though. The park between Stockholm School of Economics and the Public Library, the Sveavägen street beyond the pond.
måndag 15 augusti 2011
Pallen 3/The stool 3

Nobody would have believed that the stool would be finished? (See entries Sat 25 June and Sun 26 June). But it was! And now it has found its way home, placed in the Stockholmian apartment.
söndag 14 augusti 2011
Villa Fraxinus

At the end of the vacation we visited Villa Fraxinus, of which we had spoken for so long. It was at the eleventh hour – the estate is out for sale. But it was a really inspiring and cosy place, where the garden architects Sture and Ingelöv have created a totally unique environment. We got ideas for our own place. Unfortunately the pictures to the right don't do justice to the garden.
tisdag 9 augusti 2011
Kristin på besök/Kristin visiting

Today Kristin came to stay for a few days, off from her work at Stockholm University. We were all a little tired, as the night went on, after today's early morning. It didn't get better after a good but heavy dinner.
Nya chilibarn/New red pepper babies

Nu har vi en ny samling chiliplantor på gång, ättlingar till förra årets rese. De är så många att vi har problem att distribuera dem till vänner och släktingar – vi vill ju inte döda ättlingarna, eller hur?
Now we have a new collection of red pepper plants going, offsprings from last year's giant. They are so many that we have problems distributing them to friends and relatives – we wouldn't want to kill the offsprings, would we?
söndag 7 augusti 2011
Det gör nästan ont/It almost hurts
torsdag 4 augusti 2011
Gamla vänner på besök/Old friends visiting

The other night Sigge's friends of his childhood/youth came visiting: Per-Anders and Carina and brother Lars-Göran. We had a very nice evening which of course started at the cliffs, our second living room.
Formell samling/Formal gathering

Vi hade lite formalia kvar efter Ylvas far som gick bort i januari. För att klara av det samlade vi "gamla och nya" släktingar hos oss, plus pappa Hans gode man Georg med moatjé Iréne. Den gamla släktingen var Karin, tillsammans med sin gode man Ulla med make Ingvar. De nya släktingarna var syskonbarnen Petra och Emelie som vi inte träffat förut. Fantastiskt fina flickor som vi gärna har hos oss igen!
We had some formalities left after Ylva's father who passed away in January. To manage that we gathered "old and new" relatives at our place, plus Dad Hans' legal guardian Georg with fiancée Iréne. The old relative was Karin, together with her legal guardian Ulla with husband Ingvar. The new relatives were nieces Petra and Emelie who we hadn't met before. Extraordinarily nice girls whom we gladly have with us again!
onsdag 3 augusti 2011
Traditionell byafest/Traditional village feast

Once again we ended up at Locke village feast – what time was this in the course of order? As always in the company of Maggan and Roger and now also Lasse. As all the others we brought BBQ and drinks. A traditional party game tournament (we couldn't gather a team). The dance to music from the two very talented local musicians. Those who got tired found a place to sleep.
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