Som en eller två kanske har noterat så har denna blogg brutit ihop. Därför har vi börjat en ny som finns här: Vad gör man inte för att få finnas i cyberrymden?! (Finns i blogglistan nere till höger också.)
As one or two might have noted this blog has collapsed. Therefore we have started a new one, to be found here: (You find it in the blog list down to the right, too.)
En sak till: maila till oss på siggeoylva (at) om du inte landar på nya bloggen som du ska.
One more thing: please email us at siggeoylva (at) if you do not land at the new blog as you should.
torsdag 28 maj 2015
lördag 9 maj 2015
Maj, äntligen!/May, at last!
Bästa tiden på året, är inte det nu?! Till och med i storstadsdjungeln spirar och grönskar det. Och alla människor har krupit upp ur sina hål... men det får bli ett annat inlägg.
Best time of year, isn't it now ?! Even in the urban jungle it sprouts and flourishes. And people have crawled up out of their holes ... but that will have to be another post.
Best time of year, isn't it now ?! Even in the urban jungle it sprouts and flourishes. And people have crawled up out of their holes ... but that will have to be another post.
Ett besök i inferno/A visit to inferno
En av oss for till Västmanland, till området för den stora
branden i början av augusti 2014.
En skogsmaskin slog en gnista – som vanligt,
det händer gång på gång och maskinförarna är vana vid att hantera det. Men nu
var det ovanligt varmt och ovanligt hård vind. Så det tog 11 dagar att få
skogsbranden under kontroll.
Ca 13 800 hektar skog förstördes. Man evakuerade 1 200
nötkreatur och 500 får/lamm. 25 byggnader brann upp. En människa skadades svårt
och en dog. (En bråkdel av det som stormen Gudrun ställde till med. Men varför
Vi kunde konstatera att om och när det otänkbara händer så
fungerar skyddsnäten inte riktigt som vi tror att de ska (mer om det i en annan
blogg). Men självklart fångas erfarenheterna upp – frågan är bara hur de ska
hanteras i kristid. Vårt största problem just nu verkar vara att ingen vet vem
det är som bestämmer.
One of us went to Västmanland, to the area of the big fire
in early August 2014.
A forestry machine struck a spark – as usual, it happens
again and again and the machine operators are accustomed to dealing with it.
But at this time it was unusually warm and unusually high winds. So it took 11
days to get the forest fire under control.
About 13 800 hectares of forest were
destroyed. 1 200 cattle and 500 sheep/lamb were evacuated. 25 buildings burned
down. A man was badly injured and one died. (A fraction of what the storm
Gudrun did to the community. But why compare?)
We found out that if and when the unthinkable happens, the
safety nets don’t really work as we think they will (more on that in another
blog). But obviously experience is recorded – the only question is how to
handle the experiences in time of crisis. Our biggest problem right now seems
to be that no one knows who's the boss.
lördag 2 maj 2015
Valborgsmässoafton 2015/Walpurgis Night 2015
Vi tog oss samman och gick iväg till Gretastorpet för att delta i firandet av Valborgsmässoafton. Det regnade lite och var ganska kallt – det gjorde nog att många stannade hemma, så det blev inte direkt någon riktig folkfest. Men kören sjöng fint och talet som Maria Thunberg höll var bra och till sist lyckades man även få fyr på brasan i vätan. Helt ok med andra ord. Men vi stannade inte så länge.
We pulled ourselves together and walked off to the Gretastorpet ("Gretel cottage") to participate in the celebration of Walpurgis Night. It rained a bit and was quite cold - which probably made many people stay home, so it didn't turn out to be a real festival. But the choir sang nicely and the speech that Maria Thunberg held was good and finally the fire got lit in the wet. Quite ok in other words. But we didn't stay on for too long.
We pulled ourselves together and walked off to the Gretastorpet ("Gretel cottage") to participate in the celebration of Walpurgis Night. It rained a bit and was quite cold - which probably made many people stay home, so it didn't turn out to be a real festival. But the choir sang nicely and the speech that Maria Thunberg held was good and finally the fire got lit in the wet. Quite ok in other words. But we didn't stay on for too long.
Efter långt om länge... I början av april var vi hembjudna till grannarna ett par hus längre ned på gatan, till en opretentiös grillafton. George (t h om Sigge) och alla hans barn med anhöriga tog emot oss med öppna armar (några, bl a fru Despina, saknas på bilden). En riktigt trevlig kväll!
At long last ... In early April we were invited to our neighbors' home a few houses further down the street, to an unpretentious barbecue evening. George (to the right of Sigge) and all of his children with relatives (some missing in the picture, e g George's wife Despina) received us with open arms. A really nice evening!
At long last ... In early April we were invited to our neighbors' home a few houses further down the street, to an unpretentious barbecue evening. George (to the right of Sigge) and all of his children with relatives (some missing in the picture, e g George's wife Despina) received us with open arms. A really nice evening!
lördag 18 april 2015
Graffitiparken förnyas/Graffiti park renewed
Denna helg pågår ett slags "graffiti slam" i Snösätra industriområde. Alla tidigare målningar målas/sprayas över med nytt. Graffitikonstnärer från hela Europa har samlats. Mycket folk, hög musik, skön stämning. Ett riktigt bra gratisnöje!
This weekend, a kind of "graffiti slam" is on in Snösätra industrial park. All previous paintings are painted/sprayed over with new. Graffiti artists from across Europe have gathered. Lots of people, loud music, nice atmosphere. A really good entertainment for free!
Mer bilder till höger. More pictures to the right.
This weekend, a kind of "graffiti slam" is on in Snösätra industrial park. All previous paintings are painted/sprayed over with new. Graffiti artists from across Europe have gathered. Lots of people, loud music, nice atmosphere. A really good entertainment for free!
Mer bilder till höger. More pictures to the right.
Saker man möter/Things you meet
Samma runda gång på gång (dålig fantasi när det gäller nya rutter?). Det är inte konstigt att det inte blir några nya foton – man tycker man sett allt redan. Men är det verkligen så? Samma runda som vanligt, andra motiv.
The same route over and over again (poor imagination when it comes to new routes?). It is no wonder that there are no new photos – you think you have seen everything already. But is it really so? The same route as usual, other pictures.
The same route over and over again (poor imagination when it comes to new routes?). It is no wonder that there are no new photos – you think you have seen everything already. But is it really so? The same route as usual, other pictures.
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En övergiven vän i parken. An abandoned friend in the park. |
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Passerat hundratals gånger... Passed hundreds of times... |
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En konstnärlig orienterares verk? The work of an artistic orienteer? |
måndag 6 april 2015
Mer fåglar/More birds
Det är roligt att titta på alla de fåglar som upptäckt vår
fågelmatare. Det är väl inga unika fåglar, men för den ovane fågelskådaren är
det spännande nog ändå.
It's fun to watch all the birds that have discovered our
bird feeder. There aren't any unique birds, but to the untrained bird watcher,
it is exciting enough anyway.
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Steglits (carduelis carduelis) och blåmes (parus
caeruleus)/Goldfinch and Blue tit.
Några väldigt oornotilogiska bilder: Some very unornothogistical pictures:
söndag 5 april 2015
En helg av ätande/A weekend of eating
Ingen kan begripa hur mätt man kan bli av detta. Oavsett det
firade vi en 86-årsdag på påskdagen och nästan avslutade livet med jubilarens
egna goda bakverk.
By tradition you should eat yourself half to death at
Easter, too (as at X-mas). We did our best at Easter Saturday lunch, but there
were no traditional dishes, like salmon or lamb. In contrast, eggs almost too
an absurd degree. Egg eggs (a sort of egg muffins), Scottish eggs (boiled eggs
packaged in a spicy meat mince, fuwatori eggs (centrifuged eggs – unfortunately
we failed pretty miserably at this lunch) and for dessert something that we
with a little good intention could imagine as... eggs.
No one can understand how full you can be by this. Still, we
celebrated an 86 anniversary on Easter Sunday and almost ended our lives due to
the good pastries baked by the person celebrating her anniversary herself.
söndag 22 mars 2015
Kort fjällvistelse/Short mountain stay
En av oss hade ett par intensiva arbetsdagar uppe på Enaforsholm fjällgård, akademiens egen anläggning i Jämtlandsfjällen (öppen för alla!). Men trots att det hela handlade om arbete så skapar omgivningen en lugn och skön känsla. Det var lite tråkigt att lämna den fina gården därnere i skuggan av det mäktiga fjället.
One of us had a few intense days up at Enaforsholm mountain estate, the Academy's own facility in Jämtland (open to all!). But even though it was all about the work the surroundings create a quiet and comfortable feeling. It was a bit sad to leave the nice estate down there in the shadow of the mighty mountain.
One of us had a few intense days up at Enaforsholm mountain estate, the Academy's own facility in Jämtland (open to all!). But even though it was all about the work the surroundings create a quiet and comfortable feeling. It was a bit sad to leave the nice estate down there in the shadow of the mighty mountain.
Ytterligare en födelsedag/Yet another birthday
En av oss fyllde år. Igen. Vilken i ordningen är rätt
ointressant. Det som var intressant var den specialdesignade tårtan, som rätt
öppet antydde vem som var födelsedagsbarnet. En pionjärinsats av tillverkaren! Och den söta lilla kamrat som så
småningom blev till födelsedagsmiddag.
One of us
had a birthday. Again. Which time in the scheme is somewhat uninteresting. What
was interesting was the custom designed cake, which quite openly suggested who
the birthday child was. A pioneer effort from the maker! And the cute little fellow who eventually became the
birthday dinner.
Hälsopromenad/Health walk
Hälsans stig är ett riktigt bra påhitt. Finns lite här och
där i landet. Just denna dag sken solen över promenaden, så pass att det kändes
som riktig vår. Fast fisket pågick ute på isen och det är väl inte alldeles säkert
att skoteråkarna är nöjda med att säsongen tog slut så fort.
The Health
Walk is a really nice idea. To be found here and there in the country. On this
particular day the sun shone over the promenade, so that it felt like real
spring. The fishing went out on the ice, though, and it’s probably not entirely
certain that the snowmobile riders are pleased that the season was over so
söndag 8 mars 2015
Vasaloppsdagen/The Vasaloppet day
Sveriges största skidtävling hölls i Dalarna idag. Det kändes rätt konstigt under promenaden denna dag, som var onaturligt varm för att vara i början av mars. Fast några åkte skridskor... Vid hemkomsten + 16,9!
Sweden's biggest ski race was held in Dalarna today. That felt quite strange during the walk this day, which was unnaturally hot to be in early March. Some went skating, though... Upon returning home + 16.9 degrees Celsius!
Sweden's biggest ski race was held in Dalarna today. That felt quite strange during the walk this day, which was unnaturally hot to be in early March. Some went skating, though... Upon returning home + 16.9 degrees Celsius!
lördag 7 mars 2015
Födelsedagsmiddag/Birthday dinner
Fredrik fyllde jämna år och bjöd på middag – en god gryta. Till förrätt: ostron!
Fredrik turned
even numbers and invited to dinner – a tasty casserole. For starters: oysters!
Fågelrestaurangen/The Bird Restaurant
”Våra” fåglar! Många, många kommer och äter frukost och
lunch hos oss. Framför allt talgoxar men också nötväckor och domherrar. Jättefina!
"Our" birds! Many, many come and eat breakfast and
lunch with us. In particular,
great tits (Parus major) but also
nuthatches (Sitta europaea) and
bullfinches (Pyrrhula pyrrhula). Very
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