Denna helg pågår ett slags "graffiti slam" i Snösätra industriområde. Alla tidigare målningar målas/sprayas över med nytt. Graffitikonstnärer från hela Europa har samlats. Mycket folk, hög musik, skön stämning. Ett riktigt bra gratisnöje!
This weekend, a kind of "graffiti slam" is on in Snösätra industrial park. All previous paintings are painted/sprayed over with new. Graffiti artists from across Europe have gathered. Lots of people, loud music, nice atmosphere. A really good entertainment for free!
Mer bilder till höger. More pictures to the right.
lördag 18 april 2015
Saker man möter/Things you meet
Samma runda gång på gång (dålig fantasi när det gäller nya rutter?). Det är inte konstigt att det inte blir några nya foton – man tycker man sett allt redan. Men är det verkligen så? Samma runda som vanligt, andra motiv.
The same route over and over again (poor imagination when it comes to new routes?). It is no wonder that there are no new photos – you think you have seen everything already. But is it really so? The same route as usual, other pictures.
The same route over and over again (poor imagination when it comes to new routes?). It is no wonder that there are no new photos – you think you have seen everything already. But is it really so? The same route as usual, other pictures.
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En övergiven vän i parken. An abandoned friend in the park. |
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Passerat hundratals gånger... Passed hundreds of times... |
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En konstnärlig orienterares verk? The work of an artistic orienteer? |
måndag 6 april 2015
Mer fåglar/More birds
Det är roligt att titta på alla de fåglar som upptäckt vår
fågelmatare. Det är väl inga unika fåglar, men för den ovane fågelskådaren är
det spännande nog ändå.
It's fun to watch all the birds that have discovered our
bird feeder. There aren't any unique birds, but to the untrained bird watcher,
it is exciting enough anyway.
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Steglits (carduelis carduelis) och blåmes (parus
caeruleus)/Goldfinch and Blue tit.
Några väldigt oornotilogiska bilder: Some very unornothogistical pictures:
söndag 5 april 2015
En helg av ätande/A weekend of eating
Ingen kan begripa hur mätt man kan bli av detta. Oavsett det
firade vi en 86-årsdag på påskdagen och nästan avslutade livet med jubilarens
egna goda bakverk.
By tradition you should eat yourself half to death at
Easter, too (as at X-mas). We did our best at Easter Saturday lunch, but there
were no traditional dishes, like salmon or lamb. In contrast, eggs almost too
an absurd degree. Egg eggs (a sort of egg muffins), Scottish eggs (boiled eggs
packaged in a spicy meat mince, fuwatori eggs (centrifuged eggs – unfortunately
we failed pretty miserably at this lunch) and for dessert something that we
with a little good intention could imagine as... eggs.
No one can understand how full you can be by this. Still, we
celebrated an 86 anniversary on Easter Sunday and almost ended our lives due to
the good pastries baked by the person celebrating her anniversary herself.
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