Kolonilotterna ligger och bara väntar på att bli brukade igen, i alla fall runt Stockholm (det är annorlunda längre norrut). Det blir intressant att se om säsongen kommer att starta tidigare i år eller om det blir ett väderbakslag.
The allotments are just waiting to be used again, at least around Stockholm (it's different further north). It will be interesting to see if the season will start earlier in this year or if there will be a weather setback.
söndag 23 februari 2014
lördag 22 februari 2014
Tidig vårluft/Early spring air
Idag var det vår i den stora staden. Nära +7C och sol. Ingen blåst just. Det var riktigt skönt att vara ute, även om naturen är rätt "beige" så här tidigt på året. Blommorna är nog kloka som inte tittar upp ur jorden ännu. (Fotona kanske inte känns helt förenliga med den gängse bilden av "den stora staden".)
Today it was spring in the big city. Close to +7C and sun. No wind to speak of. It was really nice to be outside, even if nature is quite "beige" this early in the year. The flowers are probably wise not to look out of the ground yet. (The images may not feel entirely consistent with the current picture of "the great city".)
Today it was spring in the big city. Close to +7C and sun. No wind to speak of. It was really nice to be outside, even if nature is quite "beige" this early in the year. The flowers are probably wise not to look out of the ground yet. (The images may not feel entirely consistent with the current picture of "the great city".)
lördag 15 februari 2014
Snöröjning på vänt/Snow removal on hold
Som tidigare sagt: denna vinter är konstig. I huvudstaden är det ingen snö alls nu och över noll. Snöröjningsmaskinerna står uppställda i väntan på bättre (= sämre) väder. Ärligt talat, det är rätt ok att ha den här sortens vinter. Mindre problem i trafiken, lägre uppvärmningskostnader och så vidare. Men vi saknar ljuset som snö ger... Fast vintern kan säkert fortfarande slå till. Undrar, en dag som denna, vad gör de som skulle ha röjt snö?
As said before: this winter is strange. In the capital city there is no snow at all now and above zero. The snow removal machines are lined up waiting for better (= worse) weather. Honestly speaking, it's quite ok to have this kind of a winter. Less problems in the traffic, lower warming costs and so on. But we miss the light that snow gives... Winter can certainly still strike, though. Wonder, a day like this, what do those who should have removed snow do?
As said before: this winter is strange. In the capital city there is no snow at all now and above zero. The snow removal machines are lined up waiting for better (= worse) weather. Honestly speaking, it's quite ok to have this kind of a winter. Less problems in the traffic, lower warming costs and so on. But we miss the light that snow gives... Winter can certainly still strike, though. Wonder, a day like this, what do those who should have removed snow do?
torsdag 13 februari 2014
Skottskada?/Shot wound?
Resa mot storstaden. Men tågfönstret såg lite skumt ut – hade det varit måltavla för en prickskytt? Kan inte ha varit ett tyngre vapen än en hagelbössa i alla fall, att döma av skadorna.
Journey towards the big city. But the train window looked kind of weird – had it been the target of a sniper? Couldn't have been a heavier weapon than a shotgun, though, judging from the damage.
Journey towards the big city. But the train window looked kind of weird – had it been the target of a sniper? Couldn't have been a heavier weapon than a shotgun, though, judging from the damage.
söndag 9 februari 2014
Tillbaka till svart och vitt/Back to black and white
Någon enstaka solig dag blev det, sedan blev världen svartvit igen. Eller mest grå. Och nu även regnig, ingen av oss vill vara ute.
There was an occasional sunny day, then the world became black and white again. Or mostly grey. And now also rainy, none of us wants to be outdoors.
There was an occasional sunny day, then the world became black and white again. Or mostly grey. And now also rainy, none of us wants to be outdoors.
måndag 3 februari 2014
Konstig vinter/Strange winter
Det var vinter ett par dagar, så pass att en av oss blev svettig av skottning. Men idag har det varit varmt och soligt och skottningen... ja, den kunde man ha låtit bli.
It was winter a couple of days, so much that one of us broke a sweat due to shoveling. But today it has been warm and sunny and the shoveling... well, we could have done without that.
It was winter a couple of days, so much that one of us broke a sweat due to shoveling. But today it has been warm and sunny and the shoveling... well, we could have done without that.
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