Idag kom två gentlemen och rengjorde köks-, avlopps- och ventilationsrör. Plus att de kontrollerade att alla element var ok och inte rostiga. Allt var i god ordning.
Today two gentlemen came and cleaned all kitchen, waste and ventilation pipes. Plus they checked that all radiators were ok and not rusty. Everything was in good order.
torsdag 26 april 2012
söndag 22 april 2012
Vårsniglar/Spring snails
Idag var det en ovanligt tråkig vårdag. Det begrep dock inte sniglarna som fortsatte streta på till vart de nu var på väg. Regn i luften kanske gjorde deras färd lättare.
Today it was an unusually boring spring day. The snails didn't understand that, though, they kept on making their way to wherever they were going. Maybe rain in the air made their journey easier.
Today it was an unusually boring spring day. The snails didn't understand that, though, they kept on making their way to wherever they were going. Maybe rain in the air made their journey easier.
lördag 21 april 2012
Man talar ofta om kärnverksamheten i ett företag. VD:n i detta bolag kunde kanske inte bestämma sig
You often talk about the core activity in an enterprise. The CEO of this company perhaps couldn't make up his mind.
You often talk about the core activity in an enterprise. The CEO of this company perhaps couldn't make up his mind.
onsdag 18 april 2012
Friskt vatten/Fresh water
Idag rengjordes rören i fastigheten i Stockholms södra förorter. Och plötsligt kom det Earl Grey-te ur kranarna istället för vatten… ett övergående problem som tur var.
Today the pipes were cleaned in the estate in the southern Stockholm suburbs. And all of a sudden Earl Grey tea came out of the faucets instead of water… a passing problem luckily enough.
Today the pipes were cleaned in the estate in the southern Stockholm suburbs. And all of a sudden Earl Grey tea came out of the faucets instead of water… a passing problem luckily enough.
söndag 15 april 2012
Stockholm 15 april. Vår!/Stockholm 15 April. Spring!
Idag var ordningen återställd igen och våren kändes i luften, även i de södra förorterna. Vitsipporna tycks inte ha tagit skada av gårdagens vinterväder.
Today everything was in order again and there was spring in the air, also in the southern suburbs. The wood anemones don't seem to have been harmed by yesterday's winter weather.
Today everything was in order again and there was spring in the air, also in the southern suburbs. The wood anemones don't seem to have been harmed by yesterday's winter weather.
lördag 14 april 2012
Stockholm 14 april. Vår?/Stockholm 14 April. Spring?
Det har snöat hela natten och halva dagen. Tung blötsnö. Penséerna fick nog en chock när de vaknade i morse. Men sent på eftermiddagen blev det soligt igen.
It has snowed all night and half the day. Heavy wet snow. The pansies probably got a shock when they woke up this morning. But late in the afternoon it became sunny again.
It has snowed all night and half the day. Heavy wet snow. The pansies probably got a shock when they woke up this morning. But late in the afternoon it became sunny again.
Några fler bilder till höger. A few more pictures to the right.
måndag 9 april 2012
Biltvättsbonus/Car wash bonus
Den svarta bilen behövde tvättas, som framgått nedan. Nu är den tvättad och skinande. Som en bonus fick Ylva ett ganska substantiellt påskägg när hon betalade för tvätten – dess innehåll kommer att bygga upp en fin mjuk skyddskudde runt hennes mage. Ett klart krokben i den BMI-tävling som pågår.
The black car needed to be washed, as shown below. Now it is washed and shining. As a bonus Ylva got a quite substantial Easter egg when paying for the wash – its content will build up a nice soft protection cushion around her belly. A clear tripping up in the BMI-competition that is going on.
The black car needed to be washed, as shown below. Now it is washed and shining. As a bonus Ylva got a quite substantial Easter egg when paying for the wash – its content will build up a nice soft protection cushion around her belly. A clear tripping up in the BMI-competition that is going on.
Påskmiddag/Easter dinner
Vi blev inbjudna till Britt och John på en traditionell påskmiddag, med sill, ägg och nubbe och en kötträtt som huvudrätt. Även Ove, Åke, Ellen, Fredrik och Jonas var inbjudna.
We were invited to Britt and John for a traditional Easter dinner, with herring, eggs and schnaps and a meat main course. Ove, Åke, Ellen, Fredrik and Jonas were invited, too.
We were invited to Britt and John for a traditional Easter dinner, with herring, eggs and schnaps and a meat main course. Ove, Åke, Ellen, Fredrik and Jonas were invited, too.
fredag 6 april 2012
Påskkärring/Easter witch
Påsk vore inte påsk utan en påskkärring. Vi mötte en riktig sådan på väg till Britt & John. Isabell håller traditionens fana högt.
Easter wouldn't be Easter without an Easter witch. We met a real one on our way to Britt & John. Isabell honors tradition.
Easter wouldn't be Easter without an Easter witch. We met a real one on our way to Britt & John. Isabell honors tradition.
Sommardäck/Summer tires
Fransmannen har fått sommardäck, sprillans nya. De kommer att vara lika smutsiga som resten av bilen före dagens slut. Och nu talar väderrapporten om snö och is på vägarna...
The frenchman has gotten new summer tires, brand new ones. They will be as dirty as the rest of the car before the end of the day. And now the weather report speaks of snow and ice on the roads...
The frenchman has gotten new summer tires, brand new ones. They will be as dirty as the rest of the car before the end of the day. And now the weather report speaks of snow and ice on the roads...
tisdag 3 april 2012
Köksarbete/Kitchen work
Kristin kom och hälsade på och blev omedelbart indragen i att bygga kök. Alla som arbetar i köket har mycket eleganta arbetsskor.
Kristin came for a visit and was immediately drawn into the building of a kitchen. All those who work in the kitchen wear very elegant workingshoes.
Kristin came for a visit and was immediately drawn into the building of a kitchen. All those who work in the kitchen wear very elegant workingshoes.
söndag 1 april 2012
Earth Hour
Idag har vi jobbat med huset. Men viktigare, vi tillbringade en timme i ljuset av levande ljus under Earth Hour. Vi hoppas att fler av våra vänner gjorde det.
Today we have worked with the house. But more important, we spent one hour in the light of candles during Earth Hour. We hope our friends did, too.
Today we have worked with the house. But more important, we spent one hour in the light of candles during Earth Hour. We hope our friends did, too.
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